Fence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fence
As noun : अगूठा Ex:  A gate is a door in a fence or a wall .
अच्छूरिका Ex:  In trying to climb the fence he had impaled his leg. अवहालिका Ex:  In films the actors fence with wooden swords to avoid injury. असिकल के अनुसार तलवार चलाना Ex:  he gave her a boost over the fence असिविद्या का अभ्यास करना Ex:  He has put up a fence around his garden. आव्रन्न Ex:  They are on the same side of fence in this matter. उत्तर देने से बचना Ex:  I'm tired of painting this fence . कंपाउंड Ex:  We had to fence in the dog . कठि्ठया Ex:  We had to fence out the deer . कूद कर बाड़ा पार करना Ex:  Dad heisted me up so I could see over the fence . गिरदध Ex:  The fence leaned over and almost fell . गिरदाइय Ex:  Ann is on the fence about going to Mexico . घेरना Ex:  Non-edge bits require the use of a fence घेरा बधना Ex:  Once a fence was erected घेरा बांधना Ex:  When he was assigned to a night shift at a camp bakery outside the fence घेरा Ex:  The fence should be parallel with the blade उ:   एक बार फिर इन्होंने थूण के किले पर घेरा डाला। घेराआ Ex:  The fence can be set with the rear farther from the fence for safety चक्रबाल Ex:  Snow builds up around the fence चहारदीवारी Ex:  A hedge, a fence roses उ:   इसकी चहारदीवारी सत्तर फीट ऊंची हैं। चोरी का माल बेचना Ex:  A wooden picket fence surrounded by चोरी के माल का व्यापार करना Ex:  Along the fence चोरी के माल का व्यापार Ex:  Following small piles pointed at one end, many, driven into the ground and stored next to each other, form a fence चोरी के माल का व्यापारी Ex:  He jumped over the fence चौर्यवस्तु बाज़ार Ex:  Hide the front by a fence of a repair shop in छोल Ex:  It also means a fence made of hurdles, where we lock sheep in summer, when they sleep in the टालना Ex:  It also said a small opening or window in a door, a fence and through which we can talk to someone or make him spend some thing, without having to open the door Ex:  It also said that a slot practice within the walls of fence or deck to let the water flow easily enter or डोली करना Ex:  It also says a joinery frame that attaches to a wall, in a conspicuous place, in order to display ads, public acts, which is sometimes enclosed by a fence तलवार चलाना सीखना Ex:  It also says in the Modern Architecture, Space left between a building and the fence is around द्वयर्थक या संदेह युक्त उत्तर दे कर सच्ची बात छिपाना Ex:  It is also said by analogy, in terms of the Arts, a locksmith room, which bristles with several tips and fangs and which fill a fence to prevent moving or climbing निवृति Ex:  It is also said to own, speaking of the entrance to the same opening that one mouth, and speaking of objects that are used to the fence परिकर्ष, परिकर्षण Ex:  It takes also for assembly of several balusters for fence in a church or in a room परिगम Ex:  It was this fence to hide through the wall परिवाँन Ex:  Make a fence around a wood, a meadow, etc परिश्रयण Ex:  Mow a fence पर्यवष्टभन Ex:  Out Palace made, usually with violence , a sealed, door closed, fence पारिमाष्य Ex:  Part of a monastery than a fence separates from the rest the building पाशबंध Ex:  Plant small elm fence प्रविस्तर, प्रविस्तार Ex:  Remember, breaking the fence फेन्स Ex:  Stripping momentarily or finally a fence फेरक Ex:  Talking to the fence against the fence बाड़ा बनाकर घेरना Ex:  The hare is cast along the fence बाड़ा लगाना Ex:  This garden has a fence hedges बाड़ Ex:  wooden or iron fence that serves bar मंदल Ex:  You will thicken the fence mowing the मुहासिरा Ex:  , Skip Wall said of a soldier who goes over the fence to get out of the barracks without permission मूँदना Ex:  Its garden is surrounded by a fence मेडर मोघ रक्षा का साधन राउंड रेडार जाल रेडार बाड़ वरिमा वाटक वाड वृत्तपरिणाह वेढ सचक्र सर्किट उ:   इनके अलावा सर्किट हाऊस भी एक विकल्प है जहां पर ठहरा जा सकते हैं। सिखला स्तंभकर स्तनाभोग स्तूपपरिधि हाता घेरना हीता
As verb : घुमा फिरा के बात करना Ex:  I wouldn't be on the fence . तलवार या गदा की लड़ाई Ex:  It also says Part of a fence that can be opened or moved and the Closing of a field made with tree branches to close the entrance cattle
Other : बाड़ा Ex:  We discovered the fence of stolen बाडा Ex:  We found a fence at the jewelry that had been stolen
Fence ki paribhasha : aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena apane sthaan se alag karana sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana chaaron aur se ghira hua kuchh vistrat khaali sthaan kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare
Fence synonyms
wall rail dike roadblock barbed wire barricade railing net shield stop palisade cyclone guard defense stockade rampart hedge balustrade boards posts pickets paling backstop stakes chains encircle protect coop bound secure immure girdle defend pen surround corral restrict fortify circumscribe mew confine cage hem cavil maneuver equivocate shift avoid sidestep outwit evade parry baffle foil stonewall quibble duck feint prevaricate shirk tergiversate
Fence antonyms
opening harm injure release attack hurt set free let go loose face meet uncoop abet aid assist help
Usage of Fence in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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