Ferret meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ferret
As noun : नेवले की जाति का एक जानवर Ex:  A ferret aiguillette to
नेवले की जाति का जानवर Ex:  eagle nose, parrot, ferret फ़ैरेट Ex:  Hunting ferret फेरेट Ex:  Hunting ferret शिकार करना
Other : तलाश करना Ex:  A ferret aiguillette to
Ferret synonyms
shovel forage probe poke prepare spade rummage beat rake break scour delve comb excavate clear hunt burrow clean uproot pull up fine-tooth-comb raid seize pillage plunder gut loot spy scan poach scrutinize maraud strip pry rape overhaul seek thieve purloin pilfer despoil filch lift rifle peer sound rustle ravish explore pinch appropriate investigate steal go through look into take away go over with a fine-tooth comb lay waste leave no stone unturned look all over for look high and low make off with shake down embed ingrain place nose lodge grub up inspect examine case spot watch observe survey reconnoiter rustle up take in have a look-see look for run reconnaissance set eyes on stake out track down sift check prospect inquire study quest frisk grope run down hunt for beat about cast about chase after go in quest of gun for look over poke into rifle through smell around turn inside out turn upside down detective sleuth meddler rubberneck eavesdropper gumshoe busybody quidnunc peeping tom pragmatist butt-in pryer exhibit reveal bring to light find out expose discover exhume determine ascertain uncover show disinter hear learn strike spark spotlight dredge up catch on hit upon see the light stumble on unbury
Ferret antonyms
ignore dirty hide laze tinker neglect fill cover idle protect organize clean neaten tidy give offer receive find order care for dislodge leave alone shun overlook conceal suppress pass by lose miss bury
Usage of Ferret in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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