Feud meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Feud
As noun : अठान० Ex:  The feud in their family has been going on for a long time.
अड़ैच Ex:  In the background is Denmark's long-standing feud with neighbouring Norway अन्योन्यभेद Ex:  Manco tried to use this intra-Spanish feud to his advantage कलह{लंबे समय से चलनेवाली} Ex:  One of the more modern refinements of the blood feud is the duel. कीन Ex:  ” This feud continued the following year in the pages of Esquire Magazine कुल वैर Ex:  Feudalism Dependence of a feud against another which he belongs खुसुमत Ex:  of Feudalism He said the Vassal taking some sort of feud between him closer than other obligation towards his lord overlooking तफर्का दौहृदय द्वषण प्रतिभटता प्रद्वेष, प्रद्वेषण प्रातिपक्ष्य बिद्वेस भूमि का अधिकार इस नियम पर कि युद्ध में स्वामी की सहायता करे लागडाँट विभ्रातृव्य विरोधक्रिया वैर (भाव वैराषित वैरिण वैरिता वैरिपण शत्रुता चली आना शत्रुता उ:   शनि गुरु में शत्रुता है। सधेविग्रह समुच्छय सापत्नक
Other : कुलबैर Ex:  It was a feud dismemberment of such land, such Duchy लडाई
Feud synonyms
row squabble discord enmity hostility vendetta disagreement controversy run-in dissension strife fracas bad blood contest quarrel rivalry altercation conflict dispute broil grudge contention combat faction bickering falling out contend duel clash brawl war be at daggers with be at odds
Feud antonyms
concurrence friendship accord quiet calm good will comradeship agreement peace harmony kindness concord give in socialize make peace
Usage of Feud in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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