Fever meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fever
As noun : अतिव्याकुलता Ex:  His high fever attested to his illness
उत्कण्ठा Ex:  Because of fever the baby has been fretful the wholedayi.. उत्तेजना Ex:  a bout of fever उ:   बहुधा उत्तेजना देने के लिए आसतत रश्मिस्रोत काम में लाए जाते हैं। चंड़ Ex:  I ran a fever when I had the f lu . जरनी Ex:  There is usually no fever during evolution of the rash. ज्वर Ex:  When this occurs, the fever usually remains elevated. उ:   यह रात्रि ज्वर को दूर करता है। तप Ex:  Filoviruses are filament-like viruses that cause viral hemorrhagic fever उ:   यह तप की श्रेष्ठतम अभिव्यक्ति है। तप Ex:  Filoviruses are filament-like viruses that cause viral hemorrhagic fever उ:   यह तप की श्रेष्ठतम अभिव्यक्ति है। ताप Ex:  Symptoms of malaria include fever उ:   ताप २२ डिग्री से ३४डिग्री सें. के मध्य रहता है। ताबी Ex:  In October 1833 he caught a fever in Argentina त्रिताप Ex:  Over 200 workers died of yellow fever and malaria, spread by mosquitoes. त्रिपाद Ex:  Some patients have low-grade fever . त्रिपाद Ex:  Some patients have low-grade fever . त्रिमुंड Ex:  103 people from a suspected hemorrhagic fever outbreak in the village of Mweka त्रिमुंड Ex:  103 people from a suspected hemorrhagic fever outbreak in the village of Mweka दवरी Ex:  Virgil caught a fever दूयन Ex:  She died of yellow fever less than a year later and he never remarried. नवज्वर Ex:  Schlumberger died of yellow fever निदाघ Ex:  Yellow fever has been a source of several devastating epidemics. प्रदव Ex:  Yellow fever is frequently severe फीवर Ex:  Yellow fever is difficult to recognize, especially during the early stages. उ:   फीवर भोजन को जल्दी पचाता है। फीवर Ex:  Yellow fever is difficult to recognize, especially during the early stages. उ:   फीवर भोजन को जल्दी पचाता है। बढा़वा Ex:  Yellow fever has had an important role in the history of Africa बुख़ार Ex:  Though taken down with fever उ:   बुख़ार संबंधी चरण में, किसी व्यक्ति को आमतौर पर उच्च बुख़ार होता है। बुखार Ex:  This leads to the fever उ:   यह बुखार में भी लाभकारी है। भस्मबाण Ex:  , horse fever, violent fever Ex:  A contagious fever रागराज Ex:  A fever रोगप्रेष्ठ Ex:  A fever pestilent रोगप्रेष्ठ Ex:  A fever pestilent विकराली Ex:  A fever that periodically returns विसूरिता Ex:  A man worked fever , gout, stone संज्वरी Ex:  A set fever Fever whose accesses are regular संप्रहर्षण Ex:  Access fever सुपरकास Ex:  And there came a high fever
Other : उष्णक Ex:  malarial fever जर Ex:  Sam took to his bed with a fever . उ:   जर शब्द का अर्थ है जीर्ण या नष्ट होने की अवस्था या भाव।
Fever ki paribhasha : haathi ki chhaati ka ek bhaag ya paarsha्v ek praakratik shakti jisaka prabhaav padaarthon ke pighalane, bhaap banane aadi vyaapaaron men dekha jaata hai aur jisaka anubhav agni, soory ki kiran aadi ke roop men indriyon ko hota hai sharir ki vah garami ya taap jo svaabhaavik se adhik ho aur sharir ki avasthata prakat kare vegon ko tivr karane ki kriya
Fever synonyms
delirium frenzy turmoil restlessness unrest fire intensity excitement ecstasy heat passion fervor flush ferment pyrexia burning up febrile disease running a temperature the shakes
Fever antonyms
calmness apathy lethargy coolness chill coldness frigidity peace contentedness dullness freeze
Usage of Fever in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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