Fierce meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fierce
As noun : कठुर Ex:  Thompson went on to become a fierce critic of Nixon
क्रूर Ex:  The dominance battles between males can look very fierce उ:   युद्ध में चन्द्रगुप्त से क्रूर धनान्द मारा गया । जरार Ex:  A fierce उ:   जरार बाह, आगरा, उत्तर प्रदेश स्थित एक गाँव है। जुलवाना Ex:  A fierce tribe निरधिन Ex:  It features Hard, hard mine eyes hard and fierce पाषाणहृदय Ex:  The fierce heat wave बंबार वज्रहृदय साहसैकरसिक हतियारा हननशील हिंस्त्र हृदयशून्य
As adjective : अति क्रूर Ex:  trees bent under the fierce winds अतिदुर्धर्ष Ex:  they had a fierce wrestle आग बबूला Ex:  A fierce dog was guarding the house. उग्ग Ex:  A shark is a big fierce fish . उग्र Ex:  The battle for control of this fort was so fierce that it still exists in folk memory. उ:   लक्ष्‍मण जी उग्र स्‍वभाव के थे। उड्डामर Ex:  The battle of Kurukshetra was a fierce battle. उत्तेजित Ex:  Resistance on Juno was fierce उ:   स्वाभाविक ही था कि वे अपने इन नए सिद्धान्तों के विषय में उत्तेजित हों। उत्साहहेतुक Ex:  Bolstered by fierce rivalries उदीरित Ex:  After short but fierce naval and air battles उदूढ Ex:  Roosevelt married Eleanor despite the fierce resistance of his mother. उद्गगाढ Ex:  Initially met with fierce opposition to her ideas उद्गगूर्ण Ex:  Vicente Evangelista, and some initially fierce encounters with the Marines. क्रूर् Ex:  "Terrible" or "Frightful" is a fierce form associated with annihilation. खंगड़ Ex:  The fierce defense of Bastogne खुखाँर Ex:  Prost formed a fierce rivalry with Ayrton Senna and Nigel Mansell. गरुअ Ex:  Hauling guano by muscle-power in the fierce tropical heat गरुअर Ex:  Pierre by a 6 km strait with very fierce currents. गरुवा Ex:  There is no agreement as to which side fired first but the battle was fierce गरूपु Ex:  The factory's manager was Henry Clay Frick, a fierce opponent of the union. गरेरुआ Ex:  In fierce fighting, the walls were breached on three occasions घनघोर Ex:  The Soviets first defended Stalingrad against a fierce German onslaught. उ:   सीतामढ़ी तथा पुनौरा जहां है वहाँ रामायण काल में घनघोर जंगल था। घमासान Ex:  William showed a magnificent appearance, possessing a fierce countenance. उ:   दूसरे दिन फ़िर घमासान छिड़ गया। चंडवान् Ex:  The team has a fierce चंड़ Ex:  After fierce fights over ratification in many of the states जब्बर Ex:  In spite of the storm and the fierce winds, it didn't fall . जाविर Ex:  A fierce look ज्योतिःपुंज Ex:  A fierce under तिग्मतेज Ex:  By extension, fierce Coeur तिग्मतेज Ex:  By extension, fierce Coeur तिग्मयातना Ex:  fierce Peoples तीव्र Ex:  It also means something Who harsh, fierce उ:   तीव्र म भी प के करीब है। दुर्दमनीथ Ex:  It also means, figuratively and familiarly, one who is a fierce temper, which does anyone have company with निर्दट, निर्दड Ex:  It was a fierce melee परिचड्डपु Ex:  It was nothing fierce पर्ष Ex:  It's hard features, the hard lead, hard look and fierce पूतगंध Ex:  The fierce wildlings carry प्रक्खर Ex:  They say similar effect: After a fierce fight, the enemy remained master battle प्रखर Ex:  This girl, this woman is fierce उ:   मिले में प्रखर सामाजिक चेतना है। प्रचंड Ex:  , a fierce battle, where they fight with fiercely उ:   प्रचंड रूप धारण कर लेती है। प्रतिचोदित Ex:  , His face radiates joy he radiates joy, Her face expresses a fierce joy प्रतूर्ण, प्रतूर्त Ex:  Regard fierce प्रविविक्त प्रविसृत बंबार बरबंड ‡ बरिवंड बर्बर उ:   हूण मध्य एशिया की एक बर्बर जाति थी। बाबार बिभीषण भारी उ:   यह भारी भूरापन लिए स्याही के रंग का होता है। भीषण उ:   दोनों के बीच भीषण युद्ध हुआ। भीषणक भोपन भोषक मर्मव्यथा मोहकम रोमहर्षण वेजित व्यायत व्यायत शंकुर शरटु शीघ्रीय शीर्वि श्वापद् संकुपित संचोदित संरंभी संहृष्टी समद्धत समद्धत सरभस सरभस सवेग सहसंवेग स्मरशबर हिसंक हेवाकस
Other : क्रुद्ध Ex:  With the onset of a fierce Soviet winter though उ:   क्रुद्ध होकर महर्षि ने सूर्य का वध करने के निमित्त धनुष बाण उठाया। घमसान Ex:  Despite his fierce struggle against the crusades चंड Ex:  An anti-Nazi resistance movement launched a fierce armed insurrection वहशियाना हिंसक उ:   बाद में इस विरोध ने हिंसक रूप ले लिया। हिंस्र
Fierce ki paribhasha : jise dekh aur sunakar ji dahal jaay sngit men gndhaar svar ki do shrutiyon men se antim shruti saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras .... kuchh ooancha aur apane sthaan se badha hua svar jo bahut dusht ya ugr ho kshatriy pita aur shoodra maata se utpann ek snkar jaati
Fierce synonyms
savage passionate ferocious bold stormy raging dangerous vehement powerful vicious brutal intense angry fiery cutthroat furious strong terrible relentless murderous animal ape awful barbarous bloodthirsty blustery boisterous cruel enraged fell feral frightening horrible impetuous infuriated malevolent malign primitive raving tempestuous threatening truculent tumultous/tumultuous uncontrollable untamed venomous wild brutish flipped howling tigerish
Fierce antonyms
kind indifferent uncaring apathetic pleasant meek nonviolent peaceful calm tame nice cold cool dull happy gentle mild weak quiet good moderate tender unthreatening unpassionate
Usage of Fierce in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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