Fierceness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fierceness
As noun : चांड़
जोरशोर दुर्दमता प्रचंडता प्राचंडय बर्बरता उ:   सत्ता डगमगाते देख अंग्रेज बर्बरता पर उतर आए। सहोबल
Other : उग्रता Ex:  His fierceness in boxing is well known. चंडता हिंस्र
Fierceness synonyms
savagery severity fury barbarity violence ferociousness depth brutality intensity vehemence fervency pitch ferment fervor viciousness extreme vehemency wildness cruelness
Fierceness antonyms
calm happiness apathy kindness peace
Usage of Fierceness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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