Fight meaning in hindi
As noun : अठान० Ex: his version of the fight was different from mine
अभिसंताप Ex: put up a good fight अभ्यामर्द Ex: When there was a war with an Iran an anglo-american fight out together. आजयन Ex: We have to fight recoupment of money. आजवन Ex: He always picks up a fight with his collegues on very small issues. आजि Ex: This is the rioter who started the fight first. आजिक्रिया Ex: Babur used cannons to fight his battles. आयोधन Ex: It was a fight to finish between the two chess players. आस्कंद Ex: The fight will never end for racial equality. आहाव Ex: The body usu produces antibodies to fight against antigens. कटाकटी Ex: hes a good ally in fight कमंध Ex: There was a lot of fight left in him. करीरक Ex: “They felt Jerry was one guy who would stay and fight in a losing cause. कलकल Ex: Het Volk , to fight for the Afrikaner cause. कलिकर्म Ex: Not only males will fight काँकल Ex: The males will fight over her, and the victor wins the right to mate. काँक़ड़ Ex: Canada eventually sent four divisions to fight on the Western Front. कार्पाण Ex: Canada sent 26,791 troops to fight in Korea. कुश्तीना Ex: Pisa, Genoa, and other cities to fight in Spain as well कौलोन Ex: Mussolini declared war on the Soviet Union and sent an army to fight there. खरखशा Ex: The pressure to fight from the Russian nobles and the Austrian commanders खुसुमत Ex: Hannibal stated, “I have not come to fight Italians खेल या प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना Ex: Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt since they are now part of the same family. गर्जाफल Ex: Lee got into a fight and badly beat his opponent ग्राममदगुरिका Ex: Billy Lo taking on the 7'2" basketball player in a climactic fight scene. घांघल Ex: Before the final fight with Antony चकरवा Ex: Also in July, Truman reorganised his government to fight the Cold War. जुध Ex: Llopis was sent to lead the fight against the Anarchists in Catalonia झगड़ा Ex: Bertilak dismounts and in the ensuing fight kills the boar. उ: इन दोनों में झगड़ा हो गया था। झगरो Ex: The Israelites fight with Og's forces at Edrei टँड Ex: The Legion was soon transferred to fight in Algeria ठकठक Ex: Duke of York, offered the use of the Royal Life Guards to help fight the fire. ठाँयँ ठाँयँ Ex: The fight took place in Robinson's former home town of Detroit डाँड़ामेँड़ा Ex: After being controlled by Robinson in the early portions of the fight दमंगल Ex: After winning the third LaMotta fight less than three weeks later दमगाल Ex: The fight was called a "war," दाँताकिटकिट Ex: The fight would become known as The St. धमगजर Ex: A month after his last fight प्रणयकलह Ex: The player deemed to be the "instigator" of an NHL fight प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना Ex: Males fight over females in the breeding season प्रतिस्पर्द्धा Ex: Hishām was still determined to fight प्रयुद्ध Ex: China's support enabled Ho to escalate the fight against France. प्रविदारण Ex: A final fight ensues and the pterodactyl is defeated. प्रांतदारण Ex: Graf stated, "I could not fight as usual". बजहाई Ex: Fonda then enlisted in the Navy to fight in World War II भांडन Ex: Bernardo believes that he will fight Tony भारथ्थ Ex: A long and nationally-polarized fight भीमर Ex: This drives him to fight crime in Gotham City as Batman. मतभेद Ex: The fight was captured on the hotel's video surveillance. उ: नागरी' शब्द की उत्पत्ति के विषय में मतभेद है। मारपीट करना Ex: Jews also played a role in the fight for independence in 1918 मुकाबला करना Ex: Muhammad himself did not fight मुखमसा Ex: The University of Michigan's fight song मुफसिद Ex: After a long and difficult fight with myelodysplasia युद्ध करा देना Ex: Many German commanders liked to fight "heads-up" युद्ध Ex: South Korea dispatched 320,000 troops to fight alongside American उ: युद्ध का नतीजा अनिश्चित था, और विवाद जारी रहा। युध् Ex: Zeus had to fight some of Gaia's other children रणरंग Ex: The 5th Army had to fight three Soviet armies at once: the 3rd, 4th and 15th. राढ़ ‡ Ex: Some divisions continued to fight their way toward Warsaw रारि Ex: They both continued to fight for the Americans until the end of the war. लड़ कर प्राप्त करना Ex: Diomedes captures Troilus' horse in the first fight and sends it to Cressida. लड़ना Ex: Troilus tries to fight in the way he has been taught princes should do so लडा़ई Ex: 1831. He then returned to Europe to fight against his brother Michael. उ: फिर भी लडा़ई जारी रही। लड़ना Ex: Sarsfield was urged to continue the fight but refused लड़ने की क्षमता Ex: The male and the female fight with each other वकीअत Ex: The fight was scheduled for February 25 वगा Ex: A year and a half before the fight वराकक Ex: Shortly after the Quarry fight वलज Ex: Once again able to fight in New York विरोधक्रिया Ex: One included the words: we shall fight in France विर्मदन Ex: This is only one example of the contemporary fight against slavery worldwide वीरजयंतिका Ex: Richard sees this and rushes out to fight Henry. वृत्रतूर्य Ex: The fight against cystic fibrosis has been a news story in France वेढ Ex: And when are you ever going to fight a decisive battle? वैशस Ex: The fight between the two scientists lasted for over 30 years व्यावक्रोशी Ex: In response to his failure, Pope was sent to Minnesota to fight the Sioux. शरशोर Ex: Austria-Hungary used most of its military reserves to fight Italy. शस्त्रकोप Ex: A state of emergency was declared on 15 February 2008 to fight the rebels शस्त्रग्रह Ex: A fight broke out in the street संक्रंद Ex: Ardent in combat, to study, to hunt, to fight संखड Ex: be a winner in the race, the fight संख्य Ex: be disabled, No longer able to fight संघर्ष करना Ex: By analogy, it is also said of some animals that made them fight against each other संपरायक, संपरायिक Ex: By analogy, Make jousting roosters, the fight to संस्फेट Ex: By extension, it refers to any fight with fists सद्म Ex: Cats who fight in gutters समर Ex: Combat in the race, the fight उ: इस मुख्यालय ने स्वाधीनता समर में उल्लेखनीय भूमिका निभायी। समित् Ex: Deliver a fight judicial समुच्छय Ex: Despite the small number, they wanted to fight सम्मर Ex: Discharge of several guns in a fight in a military exercise, etc सांपराय Ex: He also said in a written challenge to a fight at a party as tournament सांपरायिक Ex: He also said, by extension, a fight between several individuals स्पश Ex: He also said, figuratively, of a cause for which we fight स्पृध् Ex: He was sent to fight the order हर्ब Ex: He who fights the fight हांत्र Ex: If ALIGN also means, in colloquial language, Go online to fight duel हूचक Ex: In terms of war on land, it means the Directorate General of the position of troops to fight हैस Ex: Instrument used to fight
As verb : लडाई करना Ex: That was the origin of a two-day fight between the two factions from August 20
Other : छनना Ex: The Union Navy captured New Orléans without a major fight in May 1862 जंग Ex: They were not allowed to fight alongside their white counterparts उ: यह जंग रिश्तों की भी और अपने अधिकारों की भी। झड़प Ex: Following the coup, he again volunteered to fight लड़ाई Ex: These "Ost" units had volunteered to fight against Stalin उ: ऐसे कारणों से उसे ज़मोरिन से लड़ाई हो गई। लडाई Ex: Peru has tried to fight corruption while sustaining economic growth लड़ाई Ex: After narrowly avoiding getting into a fight with the bartender संग्राम Ex: By analogy, Beating someone like plaster, the fight with violence उ: राय संग्राम जम्मू राज्य के राजा थे।
Fight ki paribhasha : aaghaat karanevaale shatru par aaghaat karane ki kriya aaghaat karanevaale shatru par aaghaat karane ka vyaapaar karana do manushyon ka paraspar aaveshapoorn vivaad
ExamplesFight synonyms
riot scuffle melee battle combat contest confrontation altercation bout war match dispute clash exchange brawl disagreement argument struggle rivalry duel controversy feud conflict skirmish round quarrel tiff ruckus affray brush broil difficulty free-for-all fuss tussle scrap engagement row to-do contention hostility dissension rumble joust fracas scrimmage fisticuffs strife battle royal wrangling set-to dogfight sparring match attack belligerence boldness militancy backbone resistance pluck mettle combativeness pugnacity aggressiveness gameness spirit aggression hardihood protect challenge meet withstand traverse wrestle bicker wrangle contend tilt grapple strive assault tug box buck rowdy repel oppugn bear arms cross swords altercate bandy with brush with carry on war do battle exchange blows flare up go to war mix it up ply weapons take all comers take the field take up the gauntlet wage war force support maintain continue argue hassle further uphold conduct persevere prosecute squabble travail defy persist effect endure buckle down fall out lay into take on exert oneself hammer away light into make a stand against push forward put up an argument spare no effort stand up to take pains tangle with toil on Fight antonyms
calm truce accord quiet friendliness friendship peace agreement concord harmony kindness cowardice weakness surrender give in uphold yield make peace believe support ignore comply concur cease let go neglect halt stop give up leave idle quit forget Usage of Fight in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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