Fighter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fighter
As noun : अप्रतिभट Ex:  The fighter plane crashed with a spin after being attacked by missiles.
आसनी से हार न मानने वाला Ex:  Freedom fighter made India stand high and mighty. आसानी से हार न मानने वाला Ex:  The Air Forces have recently bought a new fleet of fighter planes. इष्वास Ex:  My cousin is a fighter pilot. क्षत्रधर्मा Ex:  The aerobatic display had many different kinds of planes including fighter jets. क्षत्रीय Ex:  Link appears as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. जाजी Ex:  RCAF airmen served with RAF fighter and bomber squadrons जुधवान् Ex:  It consisted of twelve fighter squadrons located in four wings Ex:  Examples include the Rafale fighter नरवीर Ex:  Bf 109s were in service with fighter squadrons 24 प्रयुत्सु Ex:  Putin flew to Chechnya on a fighter jet, claiming victory. फाइटर Ex:  It has purchased state-of-the-art fighter jets from Russia उ:   फाइटर इन्वेन्टरी में जीनैट की संख्या अधिक थी। बेढ़क Ex:  By now Armstrong was an old fighter भड़िल Ex:  Midway-based Marine fighter pilots युद्धवीर Ex:  Khun Sha viewed himself as a freedom fighter and not a druglord. योद्धा Ex:  The F-4 Phantom was designed as a fleet defense fighter for the U.S. Navy उ:   ये योद्धा जनजाति है। योधेय Ex:  McDonnell Aircraft began work on revising its F3H Demon naval fighter रणवृत्ति Ex:  At first reluctant to adopt a Navy fighter रणशूर Ex:  Although production of Luftwaffe fighter aircraft continued रनबाँकुरा Ex:  It was the first fighter faster than . लड़ंगा Ex:  Su and MiG fighter aircraft लड़ाई करनेवाला Ex:  He dreams only cuts and bruises is said of someone who is a fighter who loves strife, trials, etc लड़ाकू Ex:  It s' is also said of a Corps fighter that was created in France by Napoleon उ:   इस भाग का केंद्र बिंदु हल्के लड़ाकू विमान और वेल्टरवेट सेनानी हैं। लडा़कू Ex:  , Do not think a fighter that fights, that dances, that parties, etc लड़ाकू हवाई जहाज वज्रमुष्टि विचिन्वत्क वेढक शस्त्रवृत्ति शुटीर सांयुगीन सादि सुबर सौरथ
Other : रथी Ex:  The Lockheed P-38 Lightning was a World War II American fighter aircraft.
Fighter synonyms
warrior champion mercenary assailant militant soldier boxer combatant opponent heavy competitor bully rival belligerent contender pugilist aggressor antagonist contestant gladiator wildcat tanker warlord gi bruiser brawler scrapper battler disputant slugger duelist punching bag jouster person-at-arms serviceperson
Fighter antonyms
Usage of Fighter in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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