Figured meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Figured
As verb : चित्रित Ex:  "We figured we'd take the name before anyone else claimed it. उ:   इन कृतियों में दैनिक जीवन की घटनाओं से लिए गए विषय चित्रित हैं।
त‌ंरगित Ex:  The Chechen War figured prominently in the campaign.
As adjective : अलंकिय Ex:  By the way they were talking he figured it out that they will not come. अलंकृत Ex:  I figured if we were gonna be doing this professionally उ:   इन्हें पुरुषोत्तम शब्द से भी अलंकृत किया जाता है। विभूषी Ex:  I caught it but figured there are lots of Winstons in one's life". शुभंभावुक Ex:  Latin figured as a translation of since Terence. संशोमित Ex:  This theme figured prominently in anti-German propaganda. सवेश Ex:  Although it was probably the most precisely figured mirror ever made सवेष Ex:  I just haven't figured out yet what it means!
Figured ki paribhasha : jisaka rng roop chitr men dikhaaya gaya ho
Figured synonyms
guess add work out estimate count totalize tote reckon sum tally number cast cipher enumerate foot run down summate count heads count noses cut ice dope out fix a price keep tabs take account of tot up resolve conclude discover fathom see settle suppose determine think decode unravel unfold get disentangle rule comprehend untangle reason master crack decipher follow opine clear up make out unscramble catch on to make heads or tails of puzzle out think out unriddle
Figured antonyms
estimate guess subtract waver unsettle ignore disbelieve tangle misunderstand question wonder begin start miss neglect overlook twist code
Usage of Figured in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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