Finally meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Finally
As adverb : अंत में Ex:  At long last, the party finally broke up.
अंततः Ex:  The company finally ended up in overpayment उ:   अंततः १९१२ में चीन में गणतन्त्र की स्थापना हुई। अंततोगत्वा Ex:  A few persevering climbers finally reach the top. उ:   वर्तनदोष अंततोगत्वा १५ और २५ डायॉप्टर के मध्य रहता है। अन्तत- Ex:  Harry finally seduced Sally अन्तिम रुप से विनिश्चत Ex:  The horse finally struck a pace आखिरकार Ex:  We finally decided after lengthy deliberations उ:   आखिरकार आत्मघाती हमला एलटीटीई की पहचान बन गया। आपाततह Ex:  vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw परिणाम में Ex:  He has finally received his membership card. पीछे Ex:  he finally accepted hesitantly उ:   और पीछे की तरफ़ राष्ट्रीय चिह्न और मोटो था। प्रांतभूमौ Ex:  My car conked out finally .
Other : आख़िर Ex:  People finally revolted against the misrule. आख़िरकार Ex:  Our supplies finally ran out आखिर में Ex:  The coal in the BBQ grill finally lit up
Finally ki paribhasha : jidhar muanh ho usaki viruddh disha men
Finally synonyms
certainly definitely permanently completely lastly assuredly in conclusion once and for all settled conclusively decisively beyond recall beyond shadow of doubt convincingly determinately done with enduringly for all time for ever for good inescapably inexorably irrevocably past regret with conviction eventually ultimately already belatedly someday sooner or later subsequently yet sometime tardily after a while after all as a sequel at last at length at long last at the end at the last moment despite delay in spite of all in the eleventh hour in the long run
Finally antonyms
doubtfully dubiously questionably inconclusively never
Usage of Finally in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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