Finesse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Finesse
As noun : आर्ट Ex:  A mind with great finesse उ:   आर्ट फॉर लिविंग संस्थानके साथ कार्य किया।
कुशलतापूर्वक करना Ex:  All your finesse achieve nothing कौशल Ex:  Blind people generally acquire great finesse of tact उ:   कौशल उन्नयन रॉकेट विज्ञान नहीं है और समय लगता है। चतुराई Ex:  finesse User उ:   इनकी वाणी में चतुराई देखने को मिलती है। चपुरापन Ex:  Go the highway, not hear point finesse in what you do, it is said धूर्तता से हासिल करना Ex:  He's hearing finesse नागर्य Ex:  His finesse beat all their calculations सिद्धहस्तता Ex:  I do not know how to finesse you hear it
Other : परिष्कार Ex:  I do not know how to finesse you hear it उ:   अब भाषा परिष्कार एवं व्याकरण इनका प्रमुख क्षेत्र हो गया।
Finesse synonyms
guile acumen subtlety tact sophistication quickness savvy skill competence stratagem adroitness diplomacy artifice racket polish gimmick ruse cleverness adeptness discretion savoir-faire delicacy feint craft bluff craftiness cunning artfulness discernment trick wile con grift run-around big stick play jockey angle wangle exploit rig beguile finagle operate play games pull strings pull wires
Finesse antonyms
ignorance inability frankness honesty truthfulness ineptness incapability openness stupidity mishandle bobble
Usage of Finesse in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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