Finicky meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Finicky
As noun : अतिविवरणशील Ex:  He is very finicky about his choice of many things.
As adjective :
कठिनता से प्रसन्न होने वाला Ex:  The lockout chip was quite finicky मुश्किल से खुश होने वाला
Other : नकचढ़ा Ex:  A finicky mood
Finicky synonyms
choosy squeamish fastidious scrupulous fussy critical dainty difficult nice persnickety picky finical finicking fussbudget hard to please nit-picking overnice stickling
Finicky antonyms
uncritical undemanding unfussy easy open
Usage of Finicky in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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