Finish up meaning in hindi
As verb : निकट होना Ex: Sorkin left the project to finish up the screenplay for A Few Good Men.
Other : समाप्त करना
ExamplesFinish up synonyms
exhaust expend dominate eat up absorb preoccupy drain employ devour deplete waste spend obsess trifle finish squander lessen utilize engross lavish drivel dissipate go apply monopolize vanish go through put away run through throw away wear out fritter away avail oneself of frivol away have recourse to profit by put to use run out of wash up stop cease arrive finally come to a halt finish as turn out to be dispatch dispose of do away with down eliminate get rid of liquidate swill wolf finish off finish using put the kibosh on use up complete conclude wrap up settle close determine finalize terminate be through with bring to a close clean up close down come to the end tie up loose ends Finish up antonyms
create hoard accumulate store fast construct save fill appear collect gather neglect not use starve build commence begin start unsettle introduce open Usage of Finish up in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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