Fishy meaning in hindi
As noun : सन्देहास्पद
As adjective :
बिसांदा Ex: substantively, there's fishy in this case, in the conduct of this man मछली की गंध युक्त Ex: This lake is very fishy मछली के सदृश Ex: This wine is fishy मछली जैसा Ex: , There is something fishy , There is in this case something hidden मत्स्ययुक्त संशय युक्त ससंदेह
ExamplesFishy synonyms
odd dubious ambiguous equivocal far-fetched funny implausible improbable problematic queer questionable shady suspect uncertain unlikely dubitable doubtable Fishy antonyms
aboveboard honest likely probable real truthful unquestionable unsuspicious Usage of Fishy in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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