Fitness meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिकारी Ex: they had to prove their fitness for the position उ: जिसे देखकर वहा के सैन्य अधिकारी भी हैरान थे।
अह्लीयत Ex: He underwent medical examination for physical fitness before recruitment in the army. जर्फ Ex: Physical fitness is highly regarded. जोगतापु Ex: Bradman would have retired, such were his fitness problems. टनमनाना Ex: Guevara ridiculed these urban fighters for lack of fitness दुरुस्ती Ex: Sports and physical fitness have not always been paramount in Jewish culture. दुरूस्ती Ex: All officer candidates are screened and evaluated for fitness to lead Marines पातनिका Ex: Physical fitness is widely emphasized in Chinese culture फजीनगी Ex: Failure to fitness something यथार्ह Ex: It also means Have a necessary relationship or fitness योग्यता Ex: It also says gymnastics Sub-masters of fitness and boxing उ: विद्या की योग्यता को मानव, जानवर और यन्त्र से भूत्ग्रसत है। लियाकत Ex: Repairs, mending, fitness in a state समुपयुक्तता सलाहीयत स्वस्थ होना स्वस्थता
Other : क्षमता Ex: Certain anaerobic fitness activities उ: इसमें जीवाणुरोधी क्षमता पाई जाती है। खराई Ex: Examples of traits that can increase fitness are enhanced survival
Fitness ki paribhasha : taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek
ExamplesFitness synonyms
vigor strength health trim repair kilter fettle shape robustness good health readiness eligibility compatibility preparedness suitability qualification consistency adequacy competence pertinence applicability expediency adaptation aptitude relevancy congeniality timeliness decorum agreeableness harmony seemliness correspondence appositeness assimilation consonance decency accommodation keeping accordance aptness propriety convenience rightness order auspiciousness congruousness admissibility concurrency patness seasonableness Fitness antonyms
enervation lethargy weakness inappropriateness unsuitability poor health inability inadequacy bad manners indecency discord impropriety disagreement immorality Usage of Fitness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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