Fix meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fix
As noun : अडंचन Ex:  This is an opportune place to fix the camp.
अदावँ Ex:  he got a good fix on the target अनिमिषदृष्टि Ex:  If he behaves funny with youagain, I will fix him. अपराधी ठहराना Ex:  You should fix this picture using a fixative. अरसपरस Ex:  Can you fix this machine ? अवकखन Ex:  Please fix up a meal for the guests tonight. अवझोरा Ex:  We should fix the price of material before purchase. असुबिधा Ex:  Ill fix you up with a nice girl आंख गड़ा कर देखना Ex:  A fixer is used during development of camera film to fix colours in the negative. आकऋषित करना Ex:  My final atempt to fix it was successful. आकर्षित करना Ex:  Please fix the co-ordinates of our position by survey. उदीक्षण Ex:  Please fix the time for our meeting. उद्वोक्षण Ex:  I will arrange for Charles to fix what he broke . उरझेट Ex:  John didn't want us to fix him up . उरेझापु Ex:  I will fix some chili for lunch . उलझन Ex:  I really want to fix over this room . उलझेड़ Ex:  I really got myself into a fix . कठिनताई Ex:  John is in a fix because he lost his wallet . कठिनाई Ex:  Please fix this clock today . उ:   बड़ी कठिनाई से किसी प्रकार औरंगजेब प्राण बचाकर निकल सका था। काढना Ex:  She wants to fix things right away . कुचाना Ex:  Here's the last one we have to fix . केन्द्रित करना Ex:  Just let me fix this here chair leg . गड़ा कर देखना Ex:  "We can fix this" Captain Ingersoll said गड़ा कर देखनाअना Ex:  Although no archaea fix carbon through photosynthesis गड़ाना Ex:  As some microorganisms can fix nitrogen गलत रूप से जिताना Ex:  These soils are highly acidic and fix phosphate very effectively गुँझ Ex:  Though he didn't land, he was the first to correctly fix the island's position. गुंफ Ex:  Blackburn & Holford-Strevens fix Herod's death shortly before Passover in 4 BC गोबना Ex:  The constitution does not fix the size of the House of Commons गोभना Ex:  This fix was built into the replacement Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 . घूरना Ex:  bayonet ring is called the Ring that serves to fix the bayonets of rifle घूरनि Ex:  Catching up on lost time, fix a loss of time, Enjoy more time we have done in the past by making better use; To intensify its work in a short time what had hitherto neglected चपकलश Ex:  Delineate fix precisely चपकुलिश Ex:  Estimate, evaluate something, fix the value, price जमा कर रखना Ex:  hairpin Steel wire, folded in the middle to form two branches and serves women to fix their hair जिम्मेदारी सौपना Ex:  He could not reach fix the attention of his listeners, to focus attention झिकना Ex:  His mind can not fix, if fix anything टकटकी बाँधकर देखना Ex:  In game terms of backgammon and chess, it is used to indicate that a key part not to play but to fix it ठवनापु Ex:  In terms of art, it means Insert wooden pegs in the wall in order to fix the nails ठिकाने लगाना Ex:  In terms of Arts designates a rope used to fix a net, a broom, a maneuver, etc डिढाना Ex:  In terms of Masonry, it means Stop, fix the end of a wooden or metal piece into a wall in stone or marble, with lead, plaster, mortar, etc तकन Ex:  It also means Prevent move, fix तकनापु Ex:  It is also said, in terms of the Navy, a bulkhead applied to the hull of a ship to isolate a leak that we want to fix तय करना Ex:  It is used as a noun to designate the varnish that is used to fix the gold leaf which is applied on copper, bronze, etc तष्षना Ex:  It particularly means Try to fix in its memory, memorizing तारनी Ex:  It said, in terms of Anatomy and Surgery, instruments which are used to capture or fix some things थरपना Ex:  Leave the last shot of lime to a book, The fix to make it as perfect as possible थरपना Ex:  Leave the last shot of lime to a book, The fix to make it as perfect as possible थापणि Ex:  No woman can not fix the दिच्छना Ex:  Sit down and fix something in some place The will make it stable दीदारी Ex:  Small iron rod or other metal, which has a top and usually a head and used to fix or hang something दृढा़ना Ex:  There is negligence in this book it will be easy to fix दृश Ex:  They say the same Such an affront does not fix दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  They were quick to fix them देखना Ex:  This place smiles at me, I tried to fix me उ:   इसे रविवार रात्रि के समय कृत्रिम प्रकाश में देखना सुखद अनुभव है। नपुंसक करना Ex:  to force him to fix नशीली दवाई Ex:  to you to fix निपुंसक करना Ex:  We alune fabrics for dyestuffs then fix it in a solid manner निभार Ex:  Who used to fix निरताना Ex:  , Holding, stick to something, Getting arrested, s' fix so we want nothing to do निरथाना Ex:  , which are leather, sometimes covered with metal blades and serve to fix the निर्णायन निर्धरित करना निर्धार, निर्धारण निर्धारित करना निश्चत करना निश्चय करना निश्चित करना निश्चितअना निष्टपन पकाना पक्का कर देना पक्का करना पद निऋधारित कर देना पद निश्चित कर देना पेखनापु पोढा़ना प्रतिचक्षण प्रतिष्ठापना प्रतिष्ठापना प्रबंध करना प्रातिधान प्राभृत, प्राभृतक बदला लेना बेइमानी उ:   यह आख्यान मानवीय लोभ, बेइमानी और उससे ऊपर उठने की क्षमता की कथा है। बेखना बे��मानी करना मरम्मती मर्रमत करना मार डालना मुवाना ‡ मुशाहदा मुश्किल उ:   मैं ऑस्ट्रेलिया में, मुश्किल विकेट पर खेल रहा हूँ"। मूढ़त्व मोह लेना रिश्वत देकर नीयत बदल देना रिश्वत देकर नीयत बदलना रिश्वत उ:   द न्यूज मिनट के अनुसार, यह नकदी मतदाताओं को रिश्वत देने के लिए है। लगालगी लचा विरुझना ‡ विशेषना विष्पित व्यवस्था करना संवर्गण सजा देना सन्यासन समालोक साथ देना सुसज्जित करना सेँधना सैँतना स्थपित करना स्थान निश्चित करना स्थापना उ:   साथ ही इंद्रपुर की स्थापना की गई। स्थापित करना बढाना
As verb : जोडना Ex:  He resolved to fix ठीक करना Ex:  In terms of carpentry, he said a bent iron instrument used to fix the wood that works तारनी Ex:  It said, in terms of Anatomy and Surgery, instruments which are used to capture or fix some things तैयार करना Ex:  Lead Gousse, Small mass of lead that is used to fix fishing nets दंड देना Ex:  Pull something screws that were used to hold her, to fix दृढ़ करना Ex:  This book can not fail to fix the eyes of posterity धौँसना Ex:  To die in his sin, Do not fix निरताना Ex:  , Holding, stick to something, Getting arrested, s' fix so we want nothing to do निरथाना Ex:  , which are leather, sometimes covered with metal blades and serve to fix the निर्णायन पुष्ट करना बेईमानी करना मोष स्थिर करना
Other : असमंजस Ex:  To fix this instrument I had to use a tin shin. उ:   टर्मिनस ग्रह पहुँचकर ज्ञानकोश-कार्यकर्ता असमंजस में पड़ जाते हैं। ठोंकना Ex:  In terms of coloring, it is said of substances by means of which manages to fix the colors on the wool, silk, cotton, etc नियत करना Ex:  , Attach a nail at the wheel of fortune, Find way to fix fortune पसोपेश भंवरजाल स्थिर रहना
Fix ki paribhasha : pradhaan sattaarthak kriya kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana vah tng pahaadi raasta jo do bade aur ooanche pahaadon ke bich se hokar gaya ho kisi lasili vastu ko bich men dekar do vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar jodna ki ve jaldi alag na ho saken kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana baar baar aaankh gadakar bure bhaav se dekhana vah dhan jo kisi ko usake kartavy se vimukh karake apana laabh karane ke liye anuchit roop se diya jaay
Fix synonyms
mess dilemma box predicament spot quandary scrape embarrassment jam corner hole pickle plight hot water settle stabilize install secure consolidate thicken pin affix inculcate connect glue instill graft ingrain attach moor congeal lodge tie implant entrench locate couple cement link stick fasten catch infix stiffen bind steady harden place solidify position embed root anchor nail down rigidify rivet freeze to stay put resolve limit work out specify define appoint name conclude arrange agree on arrive at restore overhaul rebuild revamp patch adjust regulate correct revise sort face-lift doctor amend emend recondition debug reconstruct do up tune up retread fiddle with put to rights see to set up frame dispose put up prearrange precontrive predesign preorder preplan stack the deck direct fixate concentrate concenter level at get fit microwave heat warm ready make up whip up get ready buy reach have maneuver square suborn lubricate bribe corrupt buy off pull strings tamper with punish hurt get even get revenge pay back take retribution cook someone's goose
Fix antonyms
boon advantage solution good fortune benefit ease peace disjoin liquefy thin detach loosen disconnect dislodge disorder release misplace destroy disarrange disorganize unsettle ignore corrupt aid assist divide separate melt unfasten let go remove leave untie lose miss unfix unlink displace forget free change disturb neglect break look away eat out play fair help confuse question wonder damage harm injure worsen cool freeze
Usage of Fix in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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