Fixed price meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fixed price
As noun : एकदाम Ex:  The minimum price is not a fixed price
As verb :
नियत क़ीमत Ex:  Grain could be traded for other goods, according to the fixed price list. नियतमूल्य Ex:  Some kaiten sushi restaurants in Japan operate on a fixed price system निर्धारित कीमत Ex:  Sell fixed price
Fixed price synonyms
guess add work out estimate count totalize tote reckon sum tally number cast cipher enumerate foot run down summate count heads count noses cut ice dope out fix a price keep tabs take account of tot up appoint name schedule make impose stipulate settle determine establish specify designate decree resolve conclude prescribe direct value ordain allocate instruct allot dictate regulate assign arrange lay down agree upon fix price
Fixed price antonyms
estimate guess subtract refuse ignore disorganize destroy ruin unsettle disallow liquefy soften ascend dissuade hinder neglect confuse mismanage keep ask displace remove go up rise discourage finish halt
Usage of Fixed price in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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