Fixer meaning in hindi
Fixer ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ke hone athava kisi padaarth ke lene dene aadi ke snbndh men bahut dinon se chala aaya hua nishchit kram ya niyam
ExamplesFixer synonyms
referee moderator go-between umpire maven judge adjudicator holdout middleperson counsel mouthpiece barrister advocate lip proxy front counselor ambulance chaser pleader da legal beagle legal eagle spieler emissary medium organ entrepreneur intercessor influence agent instrument connection intermediate delegate vehicle channel interceder cutout interagent communication contact interchange hookup link interface peacemaker intermediator troubleshooter conciliator rent-a-judge distributor representative salesperson jobber wholesaler diplomat ambassador intermedium salesman latency kingmaker hand that rocks the cradle influence peddler logroller power behind the throne wire-puller Fixer antonyms
end fighter arguer Usage of Fixer in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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