Fizz meaning in hindi
As noun : गैस निकलने की फुफकार
गैस उ: जल गैस को ठंडाकर द्रव में परिणत करते हैं। फेनिल पेय संसनाना सनसनाना ससनाहट
As verb : आक्रामक रुख Ex:  There is a fizz when you open the soda water bottle.
Fizz ki paribhasha : hava men jhonke se nikalane ya jaane ka shabd hona prakrati men vaayu ke samaan ek atynt agochar aur sookshm dravy jisake bhinn bhinn roopon ke snyog se jala, vaayu aadi padaarth banate hain
ExamplesFizz synonyms
froth whisper sibilate effervesce sparkle seethe simmer buzz sputter fizzle hiss whoosh Fizz antonyms
be flat Usage of Fizz in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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