Flabbergasted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Flabbergasted
As verb : दंग उ:   मचि रंग उतंगन दंग मतंगन, सज्जि रनंगन जंग जई।
Other :
आश्चर्य Ex:  I was just flabbergasted उ:   महारानियों को आश्चर्य हुआ। चकित Ex:  : This character, this incident flabbergasted उ:   और जितने उस की सुन रहे थे, वे सब उस की समझ और उसके उत्तरों से चकित थे। भौंचक्का विचकित सन्न स्तंभित स्तब्ध
Flabbergasted synonyms
dumbfound nonplus disconcert astound amaze astonish daze stun overwhelm shock abash confound stagger throw overcome bowl over put away blow away make speechless throw for a loop
Flabbergasted antonyms
explain calm clear up bore expect
Usage of Flabbergasted in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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