Flagrant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Flagrant
As noun : अघोर Ex:  He tries to get things done by flagrant violation of all rules and regulations. उ:   अघोर संप्रदाय के व्यक्ति शिव जी के अनुयायी होते हैं।
कड़ाकड़ी घोर उ:   अब घोर कलियुग भी आने वाला है। चंड़ सुगहन स्तनथ
As adjective : अतिघोर Ex:  It I obtained a flagrant injustice: this will not happen and कुख्यात उ:   कुख्यात चन्दन तस्कर वीरप्पन धर्मपुरी के जंगलों में भी छुपा करता था। कुप्रसिद्ध ज्वलंत अवहेलना संगीन उ:   एक गोलाकार रजत पदक, जिसमें एक संगीन ऊपर की ओर इंगित है।
Flagrant ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka astr jo lohe ka bana hua tiphala aur nukila hota hai jyotish men grahon ka sphutasaadhan jisase yah jaana jaata hai ki janm ke samay athava kisi aur vishisht kaal men kaun sa grah kis raashi ke kitane ansha, kitani kala aur kitani vikala men tha
Flagrant synonyms
heinous shameless bold egregious conspicuous atrocious brazen outrageous obvious shameful notorious shocking glaring disgraceful arrant awful capital crying dreadful enormous flaming flashy gross immodest infamous noticeable open ostentatious out-and-out rank scandalous striking wicked undisguised bare-faced flagitous grody hanging out stick out like sore thumb
Flagrant antonyms
magnificent wonderful meek timid concealed hidden disguised moral restrained good shy obscure respectable mild secret
Usage of Flagrant in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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