Flamboyant meaning in hindi
As noun : आकर्षक Ex:  Due to his flamboyant behaviour people pay attention to what he says. उ: ये आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व और रूप के स्वामी होते हैं।
आकर्षिक Ex:  Renowned for his flamboyant lifestyle outside the ring ठसकेदार Ex:  The flamboyant Gothic Gothic परिमुग्ध प्राप्तरूप मनकर्पत स्वयं की ओर आकर्षित करना
As adjective : अत्यलंकृत Ex:  He always wears flamboyant clothes to make people notice him. ज्वाला जाली Ex:  By extension, flamboyant Regard
ExamplesFlamboyant synonyms
splashy glamorous bombastic colorful brilliant dazzling flashy ornate gaudy swank camp flaming chichi rich baroque rococo dashing elaborate exciting flaky florid jazzy luscious luxuriant ostentatious pretentious resplendent showy sporty swashbuckling gassy peacockish Flamboyant antonyms
restrained tasteful dull plain simple calm moderate modest unflashy Usage of Flamboyant in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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