Flashy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Flashy
As adjective : चित्त आकर्षक
थोडी देर दमकने वाला थोड़ी देर दमकने वाला
Other : भडकीला भड़कीला रंगीला उ:   इन्होंने गुड्डु रंगीला तथा सुल्तान जैसी फ़िल्मों में अभिनय किया है।
Flashy ki paribhasha : kautily ke anusaar ladai men mitr aadi se milanevaali sahaayata jisaka svaad phika na ho
Flashy synonyms
garish gaudy ostentatious jazzy showy snazzy tacky glittering blatant brazen cheap chintzy flaunting florid glaring loud meretricious ornate sparkling tasteless tawdry vulgar glittery catchpenny glitzy tinsel
Flashy antonyms
tasteful drab subdued unobtrusive modest plain simple unflamboyant unflashy ungaudy
Usage of Flashy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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