Flexible meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Flexible
As adjective : अकर्कश Ex:  He keeps his body flexible through regular excercises.
अनुनेय Ex:  Crossbar architecture was more flexible than step offices. एंचीला Ex:  Some rotor hubs incorporate a flexible hub कोँवर Ex:  Poetic form is more flexible in modernist and post-modernist poetry नमन्शील Ex:  Directive control was a fast and flexible method of command. नरंम Ex:  These magnets are lower in magnetic strength but can be very flexible नरम Ex:  Kangas are a flexible item उ:   ये चित्र मेसोपोटामिया में कीलों से नरम ईंटों पर अंकित किए जाते थे। मुलायम Ex:  A flexible branch उ:   इन पर ५-१० सेंमी की धागे जैसे आकार की मुलायम पत्तियां होती हैं। मृदु Ex:  A flexible character मृदुल Ex:  be flexible kidney रकीक Ex:  In terms of photography, it means a flexible sheet, of various substances, mainly celluloid, on which the image is formed लचकदार Ex:  It also said the consistency of certain objects which are thin and flexible लचलची Ex:  It has the flexible spine, flexible, it falls to his superiors, he is ready for all the kindnesses लचीला Ex:  It is a flexible character उ:   सिलिकोन एक बेहतर और लचीला यौगिक है। लोचदार Ex:  It is a flexible mind, he easily disguises वंक्य Ex:  It is used most often in the direction of who is quick, agile, flexible विभक्‍तिग्राही Ex:  It is, by extension, in terms of Botany, Plant whose stem is long, flexible and climbing like a branch साव्यय Ex:  Long and flexible Wand सुस्पर्श Ex:  Tighten with a rope or any other flexible thing स्थिति के अनुरूप ढालना Ex:  To succeed in the world, it must be flexible स्थितिस्थापक Ex:  Turn a long, flexible body with both ends in opposite directions, or one of the two , the other being fixed उ:   यह एक रेशेदार रचना है जिसमें अनेक स्थितिस्थापक रेशे भी होते हैं।
Other : आनम्य Ex:  With a more competitive and flexible exchange rate नमनीय Ex:  Electricity is an extremely flexible form of energy नर्म Ex:  Paperback books have cheaper, flexible covers which tend to be less durable. सुनम्य Ex:  Members strong, vigorous, robust, flexible
Flexible ki paribhasha : jo jhuk sake ya jhukaaya ja sake jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho najaakat se yukt prem prasng ka haasa- parihaas
Flexible synonyms
soft malleable flexile adjustable bending ductile elastic formative impressionable limber lithe plastic pliant spongy springy stretch supple tractable willowy yielding extensible extensile moldable formable like putty stretchable stretchy tractile whippy amenable complaisant compliant discretionary docile gentle manageable open variable acquiescent biddable going every which way hanging loose like putty in hands rolling with punches
Flexible antonyms
rigid unbendable unyielding obstinate ornery stern stubborn unresponsive firm brittle inflexible resistant stiff unpliable unaccommodating unadaptable
Usage of Flexible in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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