Flock meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिक संख्या में जाना Ex:  At this place people flock around to admire the view.
आदमियों का समूह Ex:  He has a large flock of sheep at his farm. गद्दों मे भरने की मुलायम वस्तु Ex:  Thousands of visitors flock to Cologne during this time. जमा होना Ex:  Tourists also flock to many of the museums जानवरों का समूह Ex:  A flock of pigeons झुण्ड Ex:  A flock of sheep उ: खरहे अमूमन झुण्ड में रहना पसन्द नहीं करते हैं। भीड़अ Ex:  A flock of turkeys भीड़ लगाना Ex:  Foreigners flock to Paris रेवड़ Ex:  He left college a flock of schoolchildren र्चच के मेम्बर Ex:  Hunting a flock of sheep, etc लच्छा Ex:  Increase of a flock by the birth of the small शिष्य वृन्द Ex:  Sort of large cushion, stitched from place to place, covering the whole extent of a bed that is filled with wool, flock or horsehair, etc सूत्रकोश Ex:  The disease began in his flock
Other : इकठ्ठा होना Ex:  He is watching the flock of sheep. एकत्र होना Ex:  The priest keeps his flock toghther on all major issues. गल्ला Ex:  As Tony dies in Maria's arms, the Jets and Sharks flock around the lovers . जत्था Ex:  As he sees a flock of swans flying overhead, he sets off in pursuit. झुंड Ex:  A flock of pigeons उ: यहां हाथियों को एक साथ झुंड में घूमते देखा जा सकता है। निकर Ex:  A flock of starlings
Flock ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ke un do sam khndon men se eka, jo ek doosare se svabhaavataः jude hue hon par jara sa dabaab padne se alag ho jaayan ek hi jaati ya varg ke anek jivon ka samooh kuchh vishesh prakaar se lagaaye hue bahut se taaron ya doron aadi ka samooh
ExamplesFlock synonyms
throng brood legion colony herd multitude gathering convoy crowd litter assembly drove cloud group army progeny rout crush bevy flight company drift collection host mass skein pack gaggle scores converge huddle troop Flock antonyms
disperse scatter divide separate spread Usage of Flock in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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