Flood meaning in hindi
As noun : अत्यधिक देना Ex: He filed an appeal to release his imprisoned friend.
We should answer the appeal for flood donations.
अधिक माट्रा में आना Ex: The flood water gradually subsided. इक्षुपत्र Ex: Donate liberally for the flood victims. एकार्णव Ex: Many Indian immigrants contributed to the flood relief. ओघ प्रकाश Ex: The flood victims were airlifted to a safer place. ओघ Ex: A f lash flood swept down on the streambed . जलप्रलय Ex: Salinity impacts to corals are increased by other flood related stresses. उ: जलप्रलय की कथा इसी काव्य का एक अंश है। जलप्रवाह Ex: 4.5 feet higher than the previous record flood crest. उ: जलप्रवाह दक्षिण-पूर्व की ओर है। जलप्लावित करना Ex: The record flood was more than three times as big जलमय करना Ex: Besides opening a flood of tactical and strategic opportunities जलमय Ex: These plumes can produce hotspots and flood basalts. जलस्रोत Ex: The flood covered Wuhan ज्वार आना Ex: The flood affected more than 2.3 million people, and 1,526 were killed. ज्वार का चढाव Ex: The reservoir's flood storage capacity is 22 cubic kilometers . ज्वार का चढ़ाव Ex: Facing racism from the new flood of white settlers from Ontario ज्वार Ex: The flood threat here comes from high tides and strong winds from the North Sea उ: ज्वार भाटा यहाँ की मुख्य विशेषता है। डुबो देना Ex: The flood dominates the natural environment and the lives दरत्, दरद् Ex: The pogroms prompted a great flood of Jewish immigration to the United States दीर्घनाल Ex: Some of the known flood defenses used in ancient times were ditches दीर्घशर Ex: One small compensation was that recovery from flood damage in Nelson County दुग्धबीजा Ex: A flood occurs when an area of land, usually low-lying, is covered with water. देवधान्य Ex: It is when a river overflows its banks or flood from the sea. परिपूरण Ex: Catastrophism was favoured in England as supporting the Biblical flood पानी से भर देना Ex: During the flood event पूरदीप Ex: Teams informed citizens in the Florida Panhandle of flood dangers. पूरप्रकाश Ex: Many people took advantage of the flood victims बाढ आना Ex: No flood control is intended. बाढ़् Ex: The last major flood occurred in 1991 बोरना Ex: New flood protection is being built on both banks. भर देना Ex: Before the flood भरना Ex: He entered the room passing through the flood भरा रहना Ex: It is said in the same sense the height of the flood, the flood रँहि Ex: Name some columns which, placed in different locations of the Egypt, used to measure the flood of the Nile's waters in his periodic outbursts वीजपुष्प Ex: The flood came in this year of the age of the world सागरोद्गार Ex: The flood of Deucalion सिंचाई करना Ex: The flood of the river is decreasing सुअरमुखी Ex: The flood rose सैलाब Ex: The men before the flood उ: पवित्र सरोवर में स्नान करने वालों का सैलाब उमड़ पड़ता है।
We should answer the appeal for flood donations.
As verb : अँटना Ex: People were in flood of tears on the death of their respected leader. पानी भर जाना Ex: The flood would have lasted several months बहुतायत से Ex: 1,670 flood victims applied for federal aid, totaling to $11.5 million . भर कर बहना Ex: After the flood भर जाना Ex: After the flood सन्निवेश Ex: The flood comes, goes far
Other : ईति Ex: The flood victims were without food for a day. बह निकलना Ex: More than 750 flood victims in Florida applied for governmental aid बाढ Ex: The Great Flood of 1993 was another significant flood उ: इसके बाद हरियाणवी फिल्मों की बाढ सी आ गई। बाढ़ Ex: With the Depression coming so soon after the flood उ: जौनपुर अक्सर बाढ़ की आपदा से प्रभावित रहता है। बाढ़ आना Ex: The flood damaged many parts of the city बाढ़ Ex: The last major flood in the Netherlands took place in early February 1953 रेला Ex: The boats do not work on this river because of the flood
Flood ki paribhasha : paani ya aur kisi drav padaarth ke bhitar dalana talavaara, chhuri aadi shastron ki dhaar phasal ki upaj ki tin baraabar baraabar raashiyaaan jinamen se ek jamindaar aur do tihaarh kaashtakaar leta hai jal ya kisi aur drav padaarth men nimagn kar dena kisi rikt paatr aadi ka kisi aur padaarth padne ke kaaran poorn hona kisa ke shav ko nadi aadi men baha dene ki kriya ya bhaav ek prakaar ki ghaas jisaki baal ke daane mote anaajon men gine jaate hain
ExamplesFlood synonyms
deluge downpour glut spate surge tide stream wave torrent freshet profusion plenty superabundance bore surplus current eager bounty multitude inundation drift cataclysm alluvion excess overflow rush outpouring flux superfluity cataract tsunami niagara drencher outgushing saturate sweep choke swamp drown engulf fill oversupply immerse swarm brim over pour over Flood antonyms
lack dearth deficiency need want underwhelm Usage of Flood in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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