Floodlight meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Floodlight
As noun : तेज़ रोशनी वाली लाइट
पूर प्रकाश पूर प्रकाशित करना
Floodlight synonyms
flash highlight brighten ignite illumine irradiate fire lighten illume kindle limelight light up hit with a light shine put on turn on animate inflame cast furnish with light make bright make visible switch on publicity notoriety fame public eye interest center stage flashlight public attention publicize accentuate feature point up draw attention give prominence put on center stage arc light carbon-arc lamp footlights house lights photoflood
Floodlight antonyms
darken obscure complicate involve extinguish put out dull cloud drench disenchant turn off quench mount obscurity turn aside
Usage of Floodlight in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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