Flow out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Flow out
As verb : उद्गिगरण Ex:  Medicine of the blood flow out of the vessels which must contain, with or without breaking their walls
ऊकठना निष्कम निष्पतन बाहर निकलना बाहरना विनिहसृति
Flow out synonyms
leak reduce flow ooze diminish decline percolate dwindle well decrease abate trickle filter off leave dry osmose run off taper off exhaust consume dump unload clear escape evacuate purge deplete gut vacate discharge run out drink ebb eject expel disgorge void decant release unburden make void pour out rush out use up give off radiate emanate manifest exhibit show excrete seep sweat pass weep issue bleed secrete throw off give forth spew shoot emerge jet stream burst spout surge gush squirt spritz dispense emit diffuse give out spread out
Flow out antonyms
grow increase enlarge pour expand extend rise develop fill permit hold keep maintain load occupy take in allow conceal hide deny refuse veto trickle be quiet
Usage of Flow out in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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