Fluid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fluid
As noun : अधृति Ex:  seminal fluid
अभिलुलित Ex:  Milk is a fluid substance. अस्थिर Ex:  In diseases like dysentary there is a lot of fluid from the body which should be replenished to save life of patient. उ:   नगालैंड के बाद असम क्षेत्र का सबसे अधिक अस्थिर राज्य है। आंभस Ex:  Cats expend nearly as much fluid grooming as they do urinating. आंभस Ex:  Cats expend nearly as much fluid grooming as they do urinating. आचंचल Ex:  Although it is commonly believed that pre-ejaculate fluid can cause pregnancy आनोजानी Ex:  Krazy's own gender is never made clear and appears to be fluid उल्लल Ex:  It may also be called a fluid mosaic membrane. एंचीला Ex:  But if there were no universal fluid चलचलिय Ex:  Every planet began its existence in an entirely fluid state चलचाल Ex:  This iron sulfide core is partially fluid Ex:  Given the fluid nature of the war डँवाडोल Ex:  These include a fluid form of phrasing डाँवाडोल Ex:  The cerebrospinal fluid sample is examined for white blood cells तरल पदार्थ Ex:  Napoleonic tactics and formations were highly fluid and flexible. तरल Ex:  Any fluid can be used उ:   तरल का अर्थ होता है बहने वाला। तारल Ex:  Both rigid and fluid body calculations are given. दावाँदोल Ex:  Traffic moves at a relatively fluid pace. द्रव पदार्थ Ex:  The fluid interior structure of Uranus means that it has no solid surface. द्रव Ex:  The fundamental laws of fluid dynamics उ:   बहुत से द्रव विद्युच्छुचालक हैं। द्रवोत्तर Ex:  When pleural fluid is present in a person with pneumonia पानी सा बहता Ex:  If the fluid is not drained पानी Ex:  The working fluid is usually water with a steam turbine उ:   ७.स्लैब पर रखे कप का पानी चाय के भगोने में उलट दे। प्रतिशीन Ex:  Action or state of a body fluid that expands प्रद्रव Ex:  Coal land cleared by distillation, fluid and gaseous substances it contained प्रवाही Ex:  didactic action by which a body, either solid or fluid is introduced or is introduced in another बिचल Ex:  Exit impetuously, speaking mostly of water or some other fluid thing बिस्थीरु Ex:  fluid रकीक Ex:  He also said, in terms of Medicine, Small tumors formed by edema fluid accumulated in the epidermis रसात्मक Ex:  In terms of Arts, he refers to a device for controlling the movement of a fluid लचलची Ex:  In terms of Physics, fluid pressure at a point of a wall is the force related to the unit area, which is subjected to said wall at this point लचीला Ex:  It also says that the fluid is injected वंक्य Ex:  It also tells of the copper piece, usually cylindrical and isolated, which in the machine electric, attracts and retains the fluid विष्यंदी Ex:  It means by extension Purify any fluid substance विष्यंदी Ex:  It means by extension Purify any fluid substance विसंष्ठुल Ex:  Liquid substance fluid and संघर्षा Ex:  Liquify or make it fluid by means of heat, a more or less solid सैयाल Ex:  Medical Skin disease characterized by the formation of small pustules letting out a fluid that hardens into yellowish crusts सैयाल Ex:  Medical Skin disease characterized by the formation of small pustules letting out a fluid that hardens into yellowish crusts स्थितिस्थापक Ex:  Small part of a fluid thing
Fluid ki paribhasha : jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho ek prasiddh drav jo paaradarshaka, nirgndh aur svaadarahit hota hai vah anubhav jo muanh men dale hue padaarthon ka rasana ya jibh ke dbaara hota hai jo kasa ya tana hua na ho ek desh tatha vahaaan ke nivaasiyon ka naam mahaabhaarat
Fluid synonyms
flowing running fluent juicy melted molten watery lymphatic aqueous in solution liquefied runny serous uncongealed flexible unstable unsettled variable mobile floating adjustable indefinite malleable mercurial mutable unsteady protean shifting changeful fluctuating juice broth vapor goo cooler liquor aqua goop chaser
Fluid antonyms
stable unchangeable solid inflexible
Usage of Fluid in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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