Fogginess meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fogginess
As noun : अवतमस
अस्पष्टता उ:   पॉलीलाइन और बहुभुज का रंग, चौड़ाई और अस्पष्टता चयन करने योग्य है। कुहराच्छन्नता धूमन
Fogginess synonyms
gloom vapor darkness fog smoke puff smog mist veil steam pother murk obscurity frost overcast smother scud haze nebula billow dimness rack film brume sheep haziness thunderhead nebulosity pea soup woolpack mare's tail ol' buttermilk sky moisture evaporation heaviness thickness dew wet sultriness swelter dampness moistness humidness clamminess wetness dankness steaminess mugginess sogginess vaporization oppressiveness stickiness dewiness humectation sweatiness
Fogginess antonyms
cognizance brightness light understanding dryness aridity
Usage of Fogginess in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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