Follower meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Follower
As noun : अधीन चेला Ex:  King Ashoka was the ardent follower of buddhishm .
अनुगामी Ex:  I am a follower of communism. उ:   ये लोग मुख्यतः महात्मा बसवण्णा की शिक्षाओं के अनुगामी हैं। अनुयायी Ex:  An emitter follower is a type of non-inverting amplifier उ:   जो 'जिन' के अनुयायी हों उन्हें 'जैन' कहते हैं। अनुयोयी Ex:  Pius XII was an ardent follower and deeply religious admirer of Mary. अनुसरणकर्ता Ex:  Zeno's most influential follower was Chrysippus अयातपूर्व Ex:  It was written to a follower of Sufism, in the style of `Attar. आगे दिया हुआ Ex:  As a follower of James Joyce पष्ठानुग Ex:  Laozi's most famous follower पार्ष्णिग्रह Ex:  Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela is a follower of Gandhi पृष्ठगामी Ex:  He was soon joined by his first follower पृष्ठलग्न Ex:  Eva Gonzalès was a follower of Manet who did not exhibit with the group. फालावर Ex:  It is also used as a noun and means a supporter, a follower of the मुरीद Ex:  The follower of a doctrine शिष्य Ex:  This requires my knowledge; I am not a follower उ:   उनके यहां अनेक शिष्य पढ़ते थे। संघट्टी
Follower ki paribhasha : vah jo shiksha ya upadesh dene ke yogy ho jain siddhaant ke anusaar kshayopashamanimitt avadhigyaan ke chhah bhedon men pratham
Follower synonyms
devotee adherent participant patron advocate believer disciple member client fan backer admirer worshiper supporter freak stooge helper minion sectary toady cohort copycat apostle partisan zealot imitator buff satellite vassal companion votary addict attendant convert lackey servant sidekick promoter parasite sycophant proselyte pupil fancier hanger-on representative habituã© protã©gã© bootlicker
Follower antonyms
adversary antagonist enemy opponent manager owner leader opposition
Usage of Follower in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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