Foolish meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Foolish
As adjective : अंधखोपड़ी Ex:  It would be foolish to believe such rumours.
अंधधी Ex:  I get spleen due to his foolish activities. अंधमति Ex:  In Buddhism it is taught that the idea of absolute freedom of choice is foolish अनसमझा Ex:  "some critics saw fit to be as foolish as to say that I was a great actress. अनाडी़ Ex:  Bede reports that Cædmon “could never compose any foolish or trivial poem अबूझ Ex:  , It is a fool in four letters, it is foolish to undoubtedly अहमक Ex:  All three are the most foolish as the other ऊलजलूल Ex:  and ellipse, not so stupid, I'm not foolish enough to agree to do such a thing कजफहम Ex:  figuratively and derision, he said in a stupid and foolish person that we do believe everything one wants कमअक्ल Ex:  figuratively and familiarly, he said in a foolish and vain woman कुंटक Ex:  He does not distinguish his left from his right hand, it is foolish क्षुद्रबुद्धि Ex:  He ruined foolish extravagance घपूचंद Ex:  I do not know who's been this foolish घपोकानंदन Ex:  In vain, foolish apprehensions घामड़ Ex:  It figuratively said of a young man foolish and silly चोँघा Ex:  It is also said, but only speaking of the People, Playing a bad character, a foolish character, etc छूछू Ex:  It is as foolish नासमझ Ex:  It is foolish and what is worse villain पोँगा Ex:  See what pedantic with his foolish anger! It is tiring with his questions! It is sometimes the equivalent of Counter बुध्दिहीन Ex:  to foolish request, foolish response बेअलक Ex:  Vain glory, pride, foolish vanity बेतकूफ Ex:  What a foolish idea! What a strange idea! Your idea seems good बेदिमाग Ex:  Who is foolish and silly बेशऊर Ex:  , It is a goose said in a foolish and silly Nobody मतिमंद Ex:  It is figuratively said in a foolish and embarrassed Nobody मूढ़ Ex:  It is possessed of a foolish pride, an excessive ambition उ:   मूढ़ अवस्था में निद्रा, आलस्य आदि का प्रादुर्भाव होता है। मूढ़ात्मा मूर्ख उ:   उन्होंने सोचा कि इससे बड़ा मूर्ख तो कोई मिलेगा ही नहीं। मूड़ लड़बावरा लड़बावरा विवेकशून्य वृथामति सूड
Other : अयान Ex:  A fat, reinforced a fool, a man extremely fat, extremely foolish अयाना Ex:  A foolish enterprise अल्पज्ञ Ex:  A foolish shame restrained him उजबक Ex:  and derisively silly and foolish person who is made to believe or do whatever you want कुबुद्धि Ex:  He made a foolish marriage चपरकनाती Ex:  It got him a singular adventure, good, very good adventure, a foolish adventure निरक्षर Ex:  Make a foolish figure निर्बुद्धि Ex:  One who is a foolish credulity and is easily fooled regarding business and finance बुद्धिहीन Ex:  That's a foolish adventure बुद्धू Ex:  The foolish mistakes Youth बेवकूफ Ex:  You make me say foolish बेवकूफ़ Ex:  , Coming mouth, floured beak Coming up with a foolish confidence, with an ill-founded and that hope will be disappointed बेहूदा Ex:  , to crazy demand, foolish demand response point भकुआ Ex:  , to foolish request, silly question, no answer हिया उ:   ;काँपै हिया जनावै सीऊ।
Foolish ki paribhasha : jise chhal kapat aadi na aata ho bhale aur bure ka gyaan na rakhanevaala jise kisi prakaar ka bakooph ya shaoor na ho yog men chitt ki paaanch vrattiyon ya avasthaaon men se eka, jisamen chitt tamogun ke kaaran tndraayukt ya stavdh rahata hai vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho
Foolish synonyms
insane crazy stupid irrational fantastic ludicrous unreasonable preposterous ridiculous silly absurd unwise ill-advised asinine brainless daffy daft dotty fatuous feebleminded half-baked half-witted harebrained imprudent incautious indiscreet injudicious jerky loony lunatic mad moronic nutty senseless short-sighted simple unintelligent wacky weak witless zany dippy doltish ill-considered imbecilic kooky cockamamy nerdy
Foolish antonyms
rational sane sensible logical wise careful cautious circumspect prudent balanced reasonable sound realistic responsible smart plain practical serious thoughtful unfoolish
Usage of Foolish in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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