Footlights meaning in hindi
Footlights synonyms
play farce scene production comedy tragedy climax dramatization vehicle melodrama showmanship broadway boards dramaturgy theatricals stagecraft dramatic art histrionic art stage show tear-jerker thespian art movie industry entertainment industry show biz hollywood tv industry motion picture industry television industry the boards the bright lights the footlights the stage the theater theater world arena set spotlight scenery limelight scaffold setting frame dais scaffolding legit staging off-broadway stage set mise en scã¨ne amphitheater auditorium barn cinema coliseum deck hall hippodrome house locale opera house room site assembly hall concert hall drive-in movie house oak odeum playhouse show hall troupe histrionics dramatics theatrics histrionism arc light carbon-arc lamp floodlight house lights Footlights antonyms
tragedy comedy Usage of Footlights in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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