Footwork meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Footwork
As noun : कदम Ex:  His innings of 118 featured what soon became his trademarks - fast footwork उ:   किन्तु इस कदम से दक्षिण के राज्यों को आपत्ति थी।
कोम Ex:  Her footwork was unique and instantly recognizable. पगर पदबँध फुटवर्क उ:   अखाड़े में अली अपने फुटवर्क और मुक्के के लिए जाने जाते थे। व्राख साधुक सीधुपुष्प
Footwork synonyms
ramble perambulation walk turn saunter stroll airing legwork
Footwork antonyms
Usage of Footwork in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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