For meaning in hindi

How to pronounce For
As noun : के लिए Ex:  She bought undergarments for her.
तईँ Ex:  She writes arias for the operas. प्रत Ex:  Shes suing for a peace. उ:   जयपुर प्रत के मुख्य चित्रकार दशवंत, वशावंत और लाल है। प्रति Ex:  Liquids are poured into the vats for fermentation. उ:   तब से प्रति वर्ष श्री राम नवमी मनाया जाता है। बाबत Ex:  The horses were groomed for the race. उ:   इसी से सोसाइटी की इस बाबत गंभीरता को समझा जा सकता है। बिखैं Ex:  They were convassing for the Congress.
Other : अभ्यर्थित Ex:  L for Library. अयुज Ex:  She uses thin rolling-pin for making biscuits. अर्थ Ex:  indoor activities for a rainy day उ:   ‘वेदान्त’ का शाब्दिक अर्थ है ‘वेदों का अन्त’। अलबेला Ex:  Clear the manuscript for publication कमीशन देना Ex:  I interchanged a rupee for a dollar. काहीं Ex:  Applicants for posts are called for interview. कि Ex:  police are searching for relatives of the deceased उ:   कि यही अद्रश्य सरस्वती नदी का स्रोत हैं। की ओर से Ex:  Many leaders fought for the interpenetration. के लिये Ex:  We hired a minibus for the excursion. के हिसाब से Ex:  He was dismissed for incompetence. तक Ex:  He arrainged her for robbery. उ:   यह १९२८ तक अलवर के शाही परिवारों का आवास रहा। तग Ex:  Sona was punished for her disobedience. तनों Ex:  what are our tasks for tomorrow? उ:   तनों की ऊंचाई अलग-अलग होती है। ता Ex:  He was fired for disobeying his boss. उ:   इसमें राजस्थानी कलाएँ ता हस्तकलाएँ देखने को मिलती है। ताँईं Ex:  he writes stories for the magazines नाते Ex:  Liability for the mishappening. उ:   भारतीय होने के नाते वे महान् देशभक्त थे। परजंत Ex:  he took the dogs for an airing पर्यत Ex:  Shes suing for a divorse. प्रतिनिधि स्वरूप से Ex:  He fears for his life. बदले मे Ex:  He was incarcerated for years. बदौलत Ex:  Obey for indemnification. उ:   महिला जनप्रतिनिघियों की बदौलत गांव में सकारात्मक काम हो रहा है। बांका Ex:  I mistook her for her sister. उ:   मन्दार पर्वत बिहार राज्य के बांका जिला में स्थित पर्वत है। रंगीला Ex:  She was treated for Jaundice. लिए Ex:  He composes jingles for advertisements. उ:   इसके लिए हम सबको प्रयास करना पड़ेगा । ले ‡ Ex:  He got an A for his composition. लौँ Ex:  Use tin-tack for the cupboard. वास्ते Ex:  He was inoculated for Typhoid. स्थान मे Ex:  Naciketa was thirsting for knowledge.
For ki paribhasha : ek vibhakti jo kisi vastu ya vyaapaar ki sima athava avadhi soochit karati hai ek hi prakaar ki kai vastuon men agal agal ek ek vastu
For synonyms
because being considering inasmuch as now since whereas as long as after concerning during notwithstanding pro supposing to toward beneficial to conducive to for the sake of in contemplation of in exchange for in favor of in furtherance of in order to in order to get in place of in pursuance of in spite of in the direction of in the interest of in the name of on the part of on the side of to counterbalance to go to to the amount of to the extent of under the authority of with a view to with regard to with respect
Usage of For in sentences

The word is used as conjunction preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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