Forcible meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forcible
As noun : ज़ोर ज़बर्दस्ती का Ex:  There were no reports of the forcible repatriation of refugees.
As adjective :
बलकृत Ex:  In the last major attempt at forcible invasion of Gaul through Iberia बलपूर्ण बलसम्पादित
Forcible synonyms
coercive forceful compulsory active armed assertive cogent compelling drastic effective efficient energetic impressive intense mighty militant persuasive potent strong telling valid vehement vigorous violent weighty puissant
Forcible antonyms
weak nonaggressive
Usage of Forcible in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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