Forearm meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forearm
As noun : अग्र बाहु Ex:  An upbow is drawn by moving first the forearm
अग्रभुज Ex:  A T. rex forearm also had a reduced range of motion पहले से तैयार करना Ex:  Fracture forearm पहुंचे से कोहनी तक हाथ Ex:  In terms of anatomy, median veins, veins, three in number, which are in the area of the forearm हाथ{कोहनी तक} Ex:  One says Muscle most commonly the forearm हाथकोहनी तक Ex:  The smaller of the two bones of the forearm
As verb : तैयारी करना Ex:  Pilecki was tattooed on his forearm with the number 4859. At Auschwitz समवधान Ex:  It says Anatomy of Two muscles in the forearm which are used for pronation
Forearm synonyms
radius ulna antibrachium
Usage of Forearm in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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