Forecasting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forecasting
As noun : आगमवाणी Ex:  ENIAC, was used to run simple weather forecasting models.
पेशगोई Ex:  In terms of Navy weapons Estimate of a ship, forecasting state of all it must contain भविष्यवाणी उ:   इनकी भविष्यवाणी करना मुश्किल है।
As verb : पूर्वानुमान Ex:  Prior to the advent of scientific methods of weather forecasting उ:   एनोरेक्सिया का लंबे अर्से का पूर्वानुमान सकारात्मक है।
Forecasting synonyms
foresee calculate conclude anticipate portend foretell gauge determine augur estimate conjecture figure prophesy gather predetermine adumbrate reason plan demonstrate prognosticate divine presage infer surmise telegraph call the turn dope out figure out in the cards see it coming soothsay
Forecasting antonyms
doubt misunderstand begin start
Usage of Forecasting in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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