Forefront meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forefront
As noun : अग्र स्थान Ex:  he was in the forefront
अग्रवान् Ex:  Telecommunications are in the forefront of the development. बिलकुल सामना Ex:  Augustine of Hippo has been noted at the forefront of these formulations सब से आगे का भाग Ex:  Rock was at the forefront of this change. सबसे आगे Ex:  At the forefront of the political scene for almost sixty years
Forefront synonyms
limelight leading edge vanguard fore cutting edge focus spearhead front beginning center foreground forepart
Forefront antonyms
Usage of Forefront in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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