Foreigner meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Foreigner
As noun : अजननी Ex:  A foreigner was kidnapped by the terrorists.
गैरमुल्की Ex:  the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly देशातिथि Ex:  Any visiting foreigner परदेशी Ex:  On his death-bed Josquin asked that he be listed on the rolls as a foreigner पारग्रामिक Ex:  He gave his property to a foreigner to deprive his parents प्रवासी मनुष्य विदेशी व्यक्ति विदेशी उ:   ये अनेक विदेशी वैज्ञानिक संस्थाओं के सदस्य थे। वेवतन
Foreigner synonyms
alien outsider immigrant greenhorn newcomer stranger outlander fresh off the boat incomer
Foreigner antonyms
native citizen local national
Usage of Foreigner in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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