Forest meaning in hindi
As noun : कंतरि Ex: He is a forest ranger.
कंतरि Ex: He is a forest ranger. कुब्र Ex: lion and hyna are enemy in forest खात्र Ex: Joe buried the money under a stone in the forest . गहिन Ex: The forest in Stanley Park is mostly second and third growth जंगल लगाना Ex: Vancouver is also the headquarters of forest product and mining companies. जंगल Ex: The Dresdner Heide to the north is a forest 50 km² in size. उ: दोनों जंगल में गंधर्व विवाह कर लेते हैं। दश्त Ex: However Trinidad in this period was still mostly forest नीध्न Ex: Germany's largest forest within a city. पादपखंड Ex: Woodlands of the central region provide most of Bhutan's forest production. बनपाल Ex: The centre of Saint Helena is covered by forest बिछाव Ex: The first is the forest in Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca उ: यह समस्त भूभाग नदियों की लाई हुई दोमट मिट्टी के बिछाव से बना है। वन Ex: A meso ecosystem could be a forest उ: बेगूसराय में कोई वन नहीं है। वनगोचर Ex: New York has many state parks and two major forest preserves. वन्य सौन्दर्य Ex: Outside the forest to the south विपन Ex: The wharves and docks of San Francisco became a forest of masts वृक्ष लगाना Ex: Introduced rabbits destroyed the forest understory on Cabbage Tree Island सौगंधिक वन Ex: Much of Minnesota's northern forest has been logged
Other : अरण्य Ex: There are elms in the forest . उ: वन को संस्कृत में अरण्य कहा जाता है। उद्यान Ex: Burrow through the forest उ: इस उद्यान को बादशाही बाग के नाम से जाना जाता है। कांतार Ex: Once covered in dense forest कानन Ex: He used to take rollicking walk in the forest at night. उ: राज भवन के बगल में स्थित रविन्द्र कानन एक बड़ा सा हरा-भरा गार्डन है। गहन Ex: The largest trees in Vancouver's old-growth forest were in the Gastown area उ: ई रिकोर्दी में उनके विस्तृत और गहन अनुभव का परिचय मिलता है। बन Ex: Only 1% of South Africa is forest उ: रअयची राची बन गई, जो राँची बन गई। विपिन Ex: The foxes live in all of the island biomes including temperate forest
Forest ki paribhasha : brahma ka mukh snnyaasiyon ke das bhaidon sen se ek tamasa naamak yajnapaatr jo kaath ka hota tha
ExamplesForest synonyms
woodland park jungle thicket timber coppice grove covert backwoods shelter growth stand brake chase clump copse weald timberland wildwood woodlot Usage of Forest in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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