Foreword meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Foreword
As noun : उपोदघात Ex:  Her Professor wrote the foreword of her book.
कथोदघात Ex:  in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly प्रस्तावना Ex:  The foreword of P. Sankaranarayan's translation of Vishnu sahasranama उ:   भारत सरकार ने भी इसी ब्लॉक को रिकमेण्ड करते हुये एक प्रस्तावना भेजी। प्राक्कथन Ex:  In the foreword of the book मुखबंधन Ex:  The book included a foreword by Anatole France, drawings by Mme. वाङ् मुख Ex:  In the foreword to her translation of The Song of Roland
Foreword ki paribhasha : vaktavy ke snbndh men pahale ki hui soochana kisi vishay ya katha ko aarnbh karane ke poorv ka vaktavy kisi pustak ki bhoomika ya prastaavana
Foreword synonyms
prologue preamble preface overture prolegomenon prelude preliminary proem exordium prelusion
Foreword antonyms
addendum epilogue postscript conclusion
Usage of Foreword in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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