Forget meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forget
As noun : ज्ञानापोह Ex:  I can never forget my childhood.
फरोगुजाश्त Ex:  Please, don't forget to pay the debt". भुअना ‡ Ex:  Bakshi stated "They forget it's animation. भुलना Ex:  She assures Hermie that she will never forget him भूल जाना Ex:  beautifully, you carry, you forget भूलना Ex:  Do not forget your raincoat, it will rain उ:   इतिहास को इस संघर्ष-श्रंखला को भूलना नहीं है। भोँसनापु Ex:  Getting forget Diverting attention from oneself, make others do not think that we have done
As verb : चित्त से उतारना Ex:  Dont forget your things here. दिमाग से गायब होना Ex:  Even major TV networks sometimes forget this ध्यान से निकाल देना Ex:  , which often made them forget their lines. बिसूरना Ex:  I will never forget these days of the great flood. भुला देना Ex:  be short of memory, have short memories, Missing memory, easily forget भूल जानाना Ex:  Count on me, I will not forget you in occasion भूला देना Ex:  escape from memory, thought of things which we lose the memory, that we forget याद न रखना Ex:  He was disoriented, hoping to make him forget his sorrows विस्मरण करना Ex:  His memory is such that he never forget anything सोचना बन्द कर देना Ex:  How many men forget to live, how many people die without having lived! Fig
Forget ki paribhasha : ....
Forget synonyms
blow obliterate clean forget consign to oblivion dismiss from mind disremember draw a blank fail to remember let slip from memory lose consciousness of lose sight of misrecollect think no more of escape one's memory ignore overlook neglect skip omit discount drop slight blink trespass disregard overpass pass over transgress
Forget antonyms
recollect remember learn recall carry take heed notice accomplish achieve complete look at regard succeed finish attend pay attention
Usage of Forget in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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