Forgetfulness meaning in hindi
As noun : भुलक्कड़पन Ex:  Do not know myself reluctantly having missed the rendezvous, it was an oversight, this is just forgetfulness
भुलक्कड़पन Ex:  Forgive my fears, my suspicions, my forgetfulness भूलक्कड़पन Ex:  It fell into the forgetfulness विस्मरणशीलता Ex:  It forgetfulness स्मृति लोप
Other : स्मृति उ: स्मृति ग्रंथों में भी पंचायत का उल्लेख है।
ExamplesForgetfulness synonyms
inattention nirvana abstraction negligence laxness blank repression oblivion obliviousness amnesia suppression carelessness heedlessness limbo blackout lethe dreaminess paramnesia absentmindedness fugue blockout hypomnesia lapse of memory loss of memory short memory Forgetfulness antonyms
heed mindfulness attentiveness remembering Usage of Forgetfulness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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