Formal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Formal
As noun : आकारनिष्ठ Ex:  attachment to a formal agenda
आकारिक Ex:  For formal functions formal dress is more appropriate.
A formal studentsunion meeting was held yesterday.
क्रमसंगत Ex:  In part this can be attributed to his stylistic and formal innovations तत्वसम्बन्धी Ex:  This was actually the formal name of a person नियमानुसार Ex:  Go , and Xiangqi are also common and have organized formal competitions. उ:   ऊपर दिए गए नियमानुसार ही लगेगी। बाह्यरूप का Ex:  The formal language she uses around Paris यथानियम Ex:  The name used on formal occasions रूपात्मक Ex:  The Latin formal name of Switzerland उ:   रूपात्मक तौर पर, शब्दाकार आवश्यक घटक है। विधिवत Ex:  Although Guevara was 37 at the time and had no formal military training उ:   यह विधिवत लागू किया गया था। शिष्टाचार के अनुकूल Ex:  Since its formal founding in 1839 सुनियत Ex:  There is no formal hierarchy regarding the three types. सुव्यवस्थित Ex:  There is no formal process for converting to Hinduism उ:   दोनों ही बातें एक सुव्यवस्थित विचार की अपेक्षा रखती हैं।
As adjective : ओपचारिक Ex:  he received no formal education उ:   ओपचारिक झाड़-फूँक और मुक्ति कि प्रार्थना के बीच अन्तर होत हे। औपचारिक Ex:  Professor didnt like his friends to use his formal title. उ:   इसलिए इस मंदिर का कोई औपचारिक शिखर नहीं था। नियमानुरूप Ex:  The country has no formal armed forces प्ररुपिक Ex:  , formal causes, guided all natural processes. यथारीति Ex:  Manchester has formal twinning arrangements with several places. लोकाचारी Ex:  Beyond the more formal literature authors व्यवहारानेसारीर Ex:  Labour has been in formal coalition with Jim Anderton
Other : रस्मी Ex:  For example, kanji or "I" is often used in formal writing and by both sexes. उ:   उत्तरी केरल में, थेय्यम एक लोकप्रिय रस्मी नृत्य है। रूप Ex:  The performances are not formal उ:   दक्षिण अमेरिका सांस्कृतिक रूप से समृद्ध है। साकार Ex:  In that same year a formal government was established for the island. उ:   कौटिल्य ने चक्रवर्ती क्षेत्र को साकार रूप दिया। स्वरूप Ex:  Love, Intransitive Verb, was largely a formal experiment. उ:   लोग उसे प्रसाद स्वरूप लाते हैं।
Formal ki paribhasha : jo keval kahane sunane ke liye ho jisaki vyavastha bhali bhaaanti ki gai ho
Formal synonyms
precise academic solemn explicit legal strict proper ceremonial express set official regular ritual approved ceremonious confirmed conventional decorous directed fixed lawful methodical prescribed pro forma punctilious rigid ritualistic stately stereotyped systematic stereotypical ceremonialistic formalistic polite nominal aloof by the numbers distant exact prim reserved seemly sententious stilted stuffy unbending straight arrow playing the game starched
Formal antonyms
ambiguous inaccurate indefinite informal customary ordinary disorderly relaxed normal unaffected
Usage of Formal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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