Forward looking meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Forward looking
As adjective : आधुनिक विचारधारा वाला
आधुनिक विचारों का दूर्दर्शी
Forward looking synonyms
leading onward ahead forth precocious premature progressing forward-looking in advance propulsive well-developed eager buoyant enthusiastic sanguine comfortable cheerful confident rosy upbeat trusting high content faithful calm assured blithe elated expecting hoping lighthearted satisfied serene unflagging anticipative rose-colored anticipating at ease emboldened inspirited keeping the faith looking forward to reassured trustful good useful effective constructive practical productive reasonable sound affirmative efficacious continuous radical modern dynamic tolerant gradual enlightened broad avant-garde go-ahead left advanced broad-minded continuing enterprising graduated increasing lenient ongoing open-minded up-and-coming up-to-date wide reformist developing accelerating advancing bleeding-heart escalating intensifying left of center contemporary innovative novel latest cutting edge state-of-the-art just out
Forward looking antonyms
later last meek timid backward past reversing reserved shy apathetic disinterested pessimistic pale hopeless upset despairing despondent discouraged inauspicious pointless wretched unenthusiastic heavy depressed down sad unhappy fearful gloomy low desperate unpromising unskilled useless worthless fruitless impotent incapable unproductive impractical indefinite negative uncertain unsure disadvantageous doubtful unhelpful intermittent conservative moderate old-fashioned
Usage of Forward looking in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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