Fostering meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fostering
As noun : पालन पोषण
पृष्ठपोषण प्रोत्साहन उ:   टेरावाट सौर बिजली उत्पादक को प्रोत्साहन देते हुए। बढा़वा संप्रहर्षण समाश्वास
Other : कायम Ex:  With Maradona fostering a close relationship with the players उ:   उस समय से भारत की स्वतंत्रता तक यह सेना कायम रही। परवरिश Ex:  The new regime undertook radical reforms aimed at fostering development उ:   यह परवरिश – कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी का ही अगला भाग है।
Fostering ki paribhasha : bhojan vastr aadi dekar jivanaraksha topa, bnduk ya tamnche ki naal ka ghera ya chakkar
Fostering synonyms
feed advance champion uphold harbor cherish serve back encourage nurse forward further nurture stimulate cultivate foment nourish raise favor oblige house assist shelter entertain sustain lodge rear help bring up care for minister to take care of
Fostering antonyms
ignore dissuade block cease hinder impede condemn starve halt stop discourage dampen depress neglect destroy decrease thwart refuse disregard abandon drop hurt turn away
Usage of Fostering in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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