Fraction meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fraction
As noun : अनीदृश Ex:  an integer is a number that is not a fraction
अभूरि Ex:  A burst transmission takes only a fraction of a second इततक Ex:  It only touched a small fraction of the population किंचिन् Ex:  Asset prices are now a fraction of their pre-crisis heights. छुच्छ Ex:  They also contain a small fraction of heavier elements such as iron थोड़ा Ex:  In cases where the sampling fraction exceeds 5% उ:   रॉन थोड़ा डरपोक है और पढ़ाई में कमज़ोर है। थोरी, थोरौ Ex:  This number may be a fraction which is not close to a whole number थोल Ex:  Only a small fraction of the population lived in the towns. पृथगात्मा Ex:  If a real number cannot be written as a fraction of two integers भिन्न Ex:  continued fraction, fraction the denominator of which is composed of an integer and another fraction, which also has a denominator integer and a fraction, and so on उ:   यह एक दूसरे से भिन्न शक्तियां हैं। मनाक Ex:  decimal fraction मुख्तलिफ Ex:  Given Enceladus's relatively high rock-mass fraction मुख्तसर Ex:  Absolute alcohol is obtained in the third fraction मुष्टिमेय Ex:  Its operating budget is a small fraction of this amount. मुस्तशना Ex:  DECIMAL says as the name of a decimal fraction रंच Ex:  In round, in common usage, means a number consisting of tens, hundreds or thousands without fraction रंचक Ex:  In terms of Arithmetic, Fraction Periodicals decimal fraction which, from a certain rank, a figure or group of figures reproduce indefinitely in the same order व्यवेत Ex:  In the fraction 3/4, 4 is the denominator सफीफ Ex:  It also means higher education body forming a fraction of a University सुलिप Ex:  It specifically means, in military terms, a fraction of a body Troupe सोदधित्व Ex:  Reduce its simplest, Bring terms of a fraction will have more common divisor, and the terms of an equation to the smallest possible number स्तोकक Ex:  Subtract an amount to pay this or that fraction which is not payable हृस्व Ex:  The opponents were only a very small fraction of the assembly खंड
Other : खण्ड Ex:  A small fraction of individuals with ASD show unusual abilities उ:   इस ज़िले में तीन ग्राम विकास खण्ड सइहा, संगाऊ तथा तुइपंग हैं। टुकडा Ex:  The fraction of cellulose in the walls is no more than 4 to 20% पर्चा Ex:  The fraction m/n or represents m equal parts फूट Ex:  This value is very close to the protosolar helium mass fraction of उ:   निदान वह घर फूट और कलह का अखाड़ा बन गया। भाग Ex:  Arithmetic Who is presented in the form of a fraction उ:   टीज़ नदी के निचले भाग में नमक की भी खदानें हैं।
Fraction ki paribhasha : u—aangareji men ek kahaavat hai ki phoot upajaaon aur shaasan karo bhinn ki lakir ke oopar ki snkhya nilam ka ek dosh jisake kaaran pahananevaale ko pati, putraadi ka shok praapt hona maana jaata hai jo maatra ya parimaan men adhik na ho
Usage of Fraction in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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