Fractured meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fractured
As noun : अवरुढ़ Ex:  The NPA fractured over the issue of drug policy in 2002
उद् ध्वस्त Ex:  This layer is much thicker and comprises highly fractured bedrock. टूटा हुआ Ex:  He also said, in terms of Surgery of the Operation by which we extend, by pulling, a dislocated or fractured part, to return the bones to their natural position रूषित Ex:  In terms of Surgery it means the operation by which brings together parts of a wound, fractured bone fragments विनिर्भिन्न Ex:  REDUCTION says, in terms of Surgery of the Operation by which it puts in place the dislocated or fractured bones, hernias, etc सम्मूढ़ Ex:  The bone fractured in several places
As verb : अटखट Ex:  He fractured his left femur in the fall at college. अवशीर्णा Ex:  It is also much less fractured गैताल Ex:  Muslim holdings had fractured into rival Taifa kingdoms छिनहरपु Ex:  The earliest stone tools were crude, being little more than a fractured rock. छिन्नभिन्न Ex:  As the glacier flows over the bedrock's fractured surface टूटा फूटा Ex:  Rob, imagines Springsteen giving him advice on his fractured love life. लटपटा Ex:  in terms of Surgery, Put in their place dislocated or fractured bones, return the displaced intestines, etc
Other : विभंग Ex:  Sometimes parts of a bone fractured overlap
Fractured synonyms
injured damaged defective crippled mutilated smashed separated hurt split rent fragmentary shattered crumbled fragmented collapsed mangled crushed busted demolished ruptured severed shivered slivered disintegrated shredded riven dismembered pulverized in pieces divided ragged slit impaired shabby ripped lacerated cleaved sliced wrenched slashed snapped gashed crazed tickle gratify wow please delight cheer charm fracture slay occupy kill interest gladden divert panic grab crack up put away break one up knock dead make roll in the aisles tear trash eradicate part batter annihilate total torpedo bust up finish off make hash of make mincemeat of pull to pieces blow detonate pop erupt barge pierce run spout puncture discharge perforate prick fly open gush forth rend asunder tear apart fold chop chip crackle ring crunch dash sideswipe bang into pile up smash up wrack up obstruct breach intrude unsettle upset hole break up break into interfere with mushroom break out blast backfire jet convulse thunder blaze set off flare up blow to kingdom come flame up kablooey let go giggle snicker chuckle whoop roar grin shriek scream howl snort guffaw chortle crow cachinnate titter convulsed die laughing with sound be in stitches split one's sides entertain satisfy feast serve ply refresh party nurture give a party have a get-together laugh it up toss a party hold wreck ruin exhaust disable destroy scrunch fragmentize implode blight overturn smatter fragmentalize smash to smithereens splinterize collide slam hit belt pound squish squash clobber powder wallop slug break to smithereens click come apart give way pash wrest cut disturb rift crepitate sputter
Fractured antonyms
connected ok continuous satisfied working flowing perfect unbroken complete fixed whole happy uplifted kept mended resolute healed certain decided sure annoy disappoint offend pain displease create anger tire disturb upset depress bear give birth bore dull combine unite aid fasten put together obey stabilize cause hide wait lose join help attach secure agree strengthen allow keep quiet secret stay exonerate let go assist misunderstand be calm compose organize ready order close arrange implode prove cry frustrate refuse sew marry construct compliment praise improve encourage inspirit build repair restore tap fail liberate free loose meld irritate
Usage of Fractured in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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