Fragrant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fragrant
As adjective : तनुराग Ex:  Botanical Gender Made, very fragrant and very bitter
सुगन्धित Ex:  In terms of hunting, deer by leaps seeks to separate from his way or simply to separate, it seeks to stop the trace, the fragrant fumes that direct the dogs उ:   सुगन्धित जल से छिड़काव किया गया। सुवास Ex:  It is also said to One of India tree whose wood is fragrant सुवासित Ex:  It is also used as a female name terms of Botany and means a Kind of fragrant plants, mustard family, many species are cultivated in gardens
Other : कपूरी Ex:  ANGÉLIQUE is also female name means a fragrant plant of the family Umbelliferae, which is candied in sugar still green stems, and also the basis of several liquid preparations खुशबूदार Ex:  Botanical climbing shrub that bears fragrant flowers, which are ordinarily used for garden cradles and fences उ:   इस पर हल्दी व अन्य खुशबूदार लैप लगाये जाते हैं। गमकीला Ex:  Botanical fragrant plant of the family Labiatae that is used sometimes in the kitchen महकीला Ex:  Botanical plant grass, including very fragrant roots used to preserve the linen and clothes achieving Flyers सगंध Ex:  Cedar is a fragrant wood सुगंधित Ex:  In terms of Botany, Sweet Pea, climbing plant whose flower is very fragrant उ:   यह हल्के और सुगंधित होते हैं।
Fragrant ki paribhasha : ek vratt ka naam jisake pratyek charan men na, ja, la III, IsI, hota hai kesara, kastoori, chndana, kapoora, agar aadi ko milaakar banaaya hua ubatan
Fragrant synonyms
spicy sweet aromatic perfumed delicious savory ambrosial balmy delectable delightful odorous redolent aromal odoriferous perfumy sweet-scented sweet-smelling
Fragrant antonyms
unpleasant unsavory distasteful noxious putrid stinking bland tasteless stale
Usage of Fragrant in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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